[h2]Akira[/h2] Couldn't demons try to be a little bit more convenient with their timing? Or maybe just stick to some low-level fodder for a week or two whilst everyone got settled in properly? No, of course they didn't, and it wasn't really fair or... well, sensible to hold them to account in such a way, but that didn't mean that she didn't want to complain to [i]someone[/i] about it. After all, she'd been in the [i]actual[/i] break room at the time, because it had a pretty nice TV in there. And a couch, that was important. Children's magical girl shows weren't her favourite thing in general, but Shiro liked them, so that was what they they were watching. So of course something had [i]had[/i] to interrupt when she'd had the adorable not-little sister nestled beside her. At least Akira had learned long ago to never try and watch things live, just record them and catch up when they had time... Plus she had to hope that the guy she'd tapped to take the cookies out of the oven [i]remembered to do that[/i] before the fire alarm went off. At least people should have something to look forward to when they were done. Grumbling as such, the short girl tugged Andrea through the barrier. Right, devil in a shopping centre, hopefully it wasn't like one of those weird magical girl villains and wasn't going to attack them with the contents of a makeup department or something.