[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 10/100[/color] Location: Hospital Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 11/100[/color] [/center] [color=f49ac2]”Midna-san!”[/color] Sakura called out in relief when her ally arrived. [color=f49ac2]”N-no, I don’t know! They’re my squadmates!”[/color] She explained. Unfortunately, there was no way Sakura could keep the two parties from fighting with words. A lot happened in a very short amount of time while Sakura tried to get in while also avoiding getting hit. [color=f49ac2]”Friend Hearts- of course!”[/color] Sakura gave Midna a nod, and then punched her fists together. She would beat the tar out of her teammates without hesitation if it meant saving their lives or minds. Brain Drain was complaining, and Sakura didn’t understand why. [color=f49ac2]”Dexio is powerful, but I don’t think he can so easily bring down an entire building.”[/color] Sakura said. As she looked down to make sure she was avoiding shockwaves however, she saw through the grate that that wasn’t what Brain Drain was worried about. [color=f49ac2]”Wh-what the?! You built your lab over a death pit?! That was stupid!”[/color] Sakura shouted, eyes wide. [color=f49ac2]”Those two!”[/color] Sakura pointed at Dexio and Sina to answer Pit’s question as Painwheel was sent flying. Sakura found herself feeling quite bad for Painwheel, but she had no idea what her situation was or how to fix it, and at the moment, she had more pressing concerns. Obviously Painwheel and Sakura had the same goal- stop Dexio from bringing the entire place down. The problem was that Painwheel looked like she was going to rip Dexio’s arms off to do it. Hopefully Gemma or Midna or someone could slow Painwheel down and give Sakura chance to try it herself. Sakura ran forward, timing a long step with every slam of Dexio’s fist so she wouldn’t get destabilized before she got there. Her plan was to knock him to the ground first, at least, to hopefully prevent him getting enough force to slam his fists. When he rose his hands up again, Sakura jumped forward and kicked both feet out, the force of the kicks propelling her even faster into him to knock him away and disrupt his next strike. Considering he was willing to kill himself, she knew talking was pointless. Drawing her lips tight, a bead of nervous sweat trickled down the side of her face as she pushed forward and began to jab and kick at Dexio. If she could counter any of his strikes she would confirm into a [color=f49ac2]”Shouoken!”[/color] That would send him flying backwards towards the door Sakura came in from- the other room hopefully not suspended over any death pits. Though if she did connect with an uppercut, she would have a last second though and reach out with her Telekinesis to disrupt Dexio’s momentum and prevent him from hitting the ground too hard lest he use her own launching attack against her to do even more damage to the floor.