[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230704/f690b5a285f5620f436e015ab9a22e40.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/R3bSHcrSihAAAAAC/mulan-disney.gif[/img] [b]Action:[/b] None | [b]Bonus Action:[/b] None[/center] Shang simply pretended not to hear the question about why they would arm themselves. Instead he chose to continue addressing the peasant, [color=Orange]"Maybe it would be wise to have some company for your trip? There's safety in numbers and I wouldn't want another mishap like this happening."[/color] he offered. Obviously the summons was for that man in particular and no one else, but that didn't mean the man had to travel potentially unsafe roads alone. With a sigh, he reached into his own pocket, [color=Orange]"Here,"[/color] he said to the two other men with his hand held out. In it was two gold pieces, [color=Orange]"It's what I can spare. You're welcome to it."[/color]