In the intervening days between missions, Rika had finally gotten her orientation, and now that she had a properly assigned "space," she could hardly be seen outside of it, the training room, or the break room. All indications were that she had something to prove, though if anyone asked, she was simply doing her job. She showed no interest in sparring with any of the others, or in showing off her abilities unless required by joint training exercises. At all other hours of the day, she was reviewing what records of past missions were available to a newbie like her. She claimed that they were useful references, but it was hard to shake the notion that she was looking for something. Or someone. When the sirens went off, Rika was in the middle of a set of one-armed pushups. Being close to the vehicle bay, she was among one of the first to board. When Shiro confirmed Devil class, her face darkened for just a moment before Azazel took over, draining the brief trace of emotion from her face. For the entire ride, she was silent and focused, paying Andrea no mind, as hers was entirely elsewhere, until they arrived at the chaotic scene. Though her face remained blank much like Shiro's, internally she grimaced at the order to ignore everything else and focus on the target. Ayako wasn't wrong, but the order still reminded her of how she'd felt abandoned by the DDF during her time of need. Already, she managed to catch that someone's daughter was missing, and filed that information away for now. What she was going to do with that information, even she couldn't say, but she found herself unable to ignore it. As the order came for her to move out, she realized rather quickly that this situation was even more disadvantageous than before. She didn't dare send out her dolls to scout the premises when contact with demons may cause them to explode. She was pretty sure they wouldn't, but with such a dense crowd she couldn't risk being wrong. For just a moment, she wrested control of her facial muscles from Azazel. [color=orchid]"AAAAWLRIGHT, EVERYONE!! PLEASE CLEAR A PATH SO WE CAN GET TO THE STAIRS,"[/color] she called out to the crowd in her loudest "foreigner voice," playing it up with an American southern drawl to catch everyone's attention over the comparative "background noise" of everyone else. The tall one-armed girl pointed towards a set of double doors in the distance, a stupid and overly friendly grin plastered on her face as the sea of civilians parted for the DDF crew.