Nerissa opened her mouth, ready to retort with her trademark sharp wit. Still, when Percy mentioned they would uncover information about her treacherous brother, she let out an exaggerated sigh and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in a sulky manner. [color=#e25041]"Ugh, fine, you're no fun,"[/color] she muttered under her breath, clearly displeased. She rolled her eyes dramatically at Percy's refusal to use the Imperius Curse. [color=#e25041]"Percy, such a killjoy,"[/color] she remarked in a tone that conveyed both disappointment and frustration, her eye-roll a perfect display of her impatience with his principles. As Percy scanned the crowd, Nerissa seemed utterly disinterested in the mundane antics of the other patrons. She sat in a bored slouch, occasionally glancing at her perfectly manicured nails as if they held more fascination than the show. When Percy mentioned the group of four, she shrugged nonchalantly. [color=#e25041]"Acquaintances? Hardly. But it seems we might have some uninvited guests for our evening's entertainment,"[/color] she remarked with a sly smirk. When Topsy's gaze met theirs, Nerissa responded with a sly smile, leaning back in her chair in a relaxed, almost nonchalant manner. She blew Topsy a kiss with her sly smile and purred, her dark eyes glittering with mischief. As the grand finale approached and the applause erupted, Nerissa reclined in her chair, her posture exuding boredom. With one leg casually crossed over the other, she leisurely extended her fingers, their tips gently and meticulously cleaning beneath her manicured black-coloured nails. She seemed utterly unimpressed by the theatrics unfolding on the stage as if the performance were nothing more than a mudblood distraction. When Percy handed her the invitation, she spared it a disinterested glance, her dark eyes flitting across the words with an air of indifference. The prospect of visiting the backstage world held little allure for her at the moment, overshadowed only because the woman backstage held information about her brother's operation. Nerissa locked eyes with the bunny girl, her own gaze steady and unyielding. In response to the woman's piercing stare, her arched eyebrow gave a hint of subtle amusement. A condescending smile danced upon her lips as she prepared her retort. [color=#e25041]"My, my,"[/color] she cooed, her voice dripping with mock sweetness, [color=#e25041]"that icy glare of yours is positively enchanting. I suppose it's useful for chilling drinks,"[/color] she mused, her tone filled with feigned admiration, [color=#e25041]"but I do hope you don't turn the entire theatre into a frozen wasteland with your frigid attitude."[/color] With a dismissive wave, she added, [color=#e25041]"Ta-ta, mudblood."[/color] While her words carried the veneer of mockingly sweet sarcasm, her eyes told a different story. They had transformed into dangerous, bottomless pools of black, exuding a predatory intensity that pierced through the air like a dagger. Nerissa's predatory stare remained unwavering, trailing the bunny girl's every move until the woman almost seemed to vanish into the very scenery of the theatre itself. As Percy handed her the wand, Nerissa's reaction was far from casual. She accepted it with a sense of eagerness that bordered on greed. Her long, delicate fingers wrapped around the wand's sleek, polished surface, caressing it with an almost primal hunger. To Nerissa, her wand wasn't merely a tool; it was an extension of herself, a lifeline to the magical world that had been cruelly snatched away during her years in the nightmarish confines of Azkaban. As her fingers traced the familiar contours, she could feel a connection rekindling, a long-lost part of her identity returning. The dark glint in her eyes, which typically carried a sense of sinister intent and malevolent superiority, now hinted at the profound depths of her attachment to this instrument of her magic. It was as though a missing piece of her soul had been restored. For a fleeting moment, a rare vulnerability surfaced beneath her cold aristocratic exterior, but it vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared." When Percy's words reached her, a condescending smile played on her lips. She nodded slowly, the corners of her mouth curling into a sly yet confident smile. [color=#e25041]"Of course, Perceval,"[/color] she replied with a purring tone, her honey-brown dark eyes locking onto his in a way that left him uncertain of her true intentions. With a flirtatious tilt of her head and a sway of her hips, she leaned in slightly, her finger lightly stroking under Percy's chin before she smoothly skipped past him, heading backstage to Miss Thompson, leaving him to wonder just how far she'd bend to his requested desires.