[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cRMH2zR.png[/img][/center] [@Lonewolf685][@LuckyBlackCat] From her rooftop perch, Nyxia sneered down at Kriegspiel as the queenly young woman approached. Once again, the Neon Tempest forced herself to listen through yet another tedious sermon about looking out for her teammates, and the value of sharing, yet, even so, she couldn’t keep from giving the girl an annoyed roll of her eyes. [color=Aquamarine]“I am so [i]very[/i] sorry, your highness,”[/color] Nyxia “apologized”, even as her “baby’s” writhing beam gruesomely disposed of a dozen more Miseria. [color=Aquamarine]“I was led to believe this was a gang of rule breaking delinquents. If I’d known I was being asked to join an old hags’ knitting circle, I would have laughed in our fearless leader’s fucking face! If you and your pals are so inept they can’t kill these pathetic shit stains fast enough, then that’s [i]your[/i] problem! [i]I’m[/i] here to murder Miseria, not pander a bunch of weak-ass rejects from a cosplay club! Oh, and thanks for the warning,”[/color] she added with a contemptuous smirk when she was told how bad an idea it would be to piss off the club’s revered leader. [color=Aquamarine]“But if Rei doesn’t like how I do things, then she shouldn’t have begged me to join her little fan club in the first place!”[/color] Still, for all that, The Neon Tempest watched closely as Kriegspiel demonstrated how a “proper” Detention Club member did things. She had to admit, her summoned chess piece’s beam was somewhat impressive, at least, for a pale imitation of what The Omega Obliterator could produce. But the choice of target, combined with the wanna be royal’s loud announcement of said target to all in earshot, was far [i]less[/i] impressive, although it [i]did[/i] manage to cause a wide smile to spread across Nyxia’s disdainful visage. [color=Aquamarine]“Hahahahahaaa!!! What the fuck was [i]that[/i] supposed to be?!”[/color] the Neon Tempest mockingly inquired as the forewarned frog metamorphosed into a more humanoid form and fully absorbed Kriegspiel’s blast with a gong-shaped shield. [color=Aquamarine]“What’s the point of a fucking sneak attack if you’re gonna warn your target it’s coming?! Or are you just trying to scare them off, because actual violence frightens you?”[/color] After having her fun at “Queenie’s” expense, Nyxia turned her attention back to her primary source of annoyance, who was even now going on about stereotypes and how she actually [i]enjoyed[/i] taking damage from enemy attacks. [color=Aquamarine]“Wow, I never would have guessed you’d be a masochist,”[/color] Nyxia replied with a taunting grin. [color=Aquamarine]“I guess you really [i]do[/i] learn something new every day.”[/color] And speaking of learning new things, Earthshaker now moved on to a short infodump on the relationship between Dark and Light Magical Girls, something The Neon Tempest had given little thought to, and honestly couldn’t have cared less about. Indeed, the fact that there were two opposing factions of Magical Girls in Hibusa Town was one she had only just recently discovered. Up until then, she had thought that all Magical Girls were like her, vengeful reapers of the Miseria that infested the city. Not that the revelation made much of a difference. Growing up isolated in her family’s palatial mansion, the sickly girl who would become Nyxia had never experienced socializing with others her own age, had never known the joys of making friends, or the horrors of being bullied, although her parents and their servants did their best to make up for the latter. As such, she was wholly unfamiliar with high school politics, the idea of clubs, cliques, and the other myriad demographic groups which, in their own way, carried over to the mystical realm of Magical Girls being utterly foreign concepts. The only reason she’d agreed to join the Detention Club was because Rei had been so insistent. Really, she was only here to see what all the fuss was about, and as things stood, she was less than impressed. [color=Aquamarine]“Oh you [i]will[/i], will you?”[/color] The Neon Tempest inquired in a mocking tone after Earthshaker had declared that she would keep her from being eaten by a Miseria. [color=Aquamarine]“And what makes you think I’ll need [i]saving?[/i]”[/color] she added, while placing a hand on her hip, her harsh voice suffused with indignation. [color=Aquamarine]“Hell, even [i]twenty[/i] of those fucking ass wipes couldn’t even make me break a sweat!”[/color] True enough, every Miseria she had ever encountered, while admittedly a serious threat to mundane humans, were nothing more than pathetic jokes as far as The Neon Tempest was concerned, ineffectual globs of filth that didn’t have even the slightest chance of withstanding the staggering power at [i]her[/i] command. As such, she had not even the slightest fear for her safety. [color=Aquamarine]“If they [i]really[/i] want to harm me, then let ‘em come!”[/color] Nyxia declared, grinning fiercely as she lovingly ran her fingers over her enormous death ray. [color=Aquamarine]“My precious baby is [i]always[/i] hungry for more! Hahahahahaaa!!!”[/color] The Neon Tempest’s peal of psychotic laughter continued even as Rei commanded Earthshaker to “put a leash” on her, the aura of unsetting coldness emanating from the Detention Club’s leader doing little to dampen Nyxia’s deranged amusement. Yes, there was no doubt Rei was a total control freak, one who wouldn’t be satisfied until every last member of her ever growing harem was wrapped tightly around her finger in submissive adoration. After all, Nyxia was well-acquainted with that type of neediness. Indeed, she herself had been the same way in regard to her dearest brother. Yet, that had been just a single person, a single cherished shining light in the darkness that threatened to suffocate her. She could only imagine the emotional anguish Rei had endured to be so embarrassingly desperate for companionship and adoration, all while hiding it under that stoic facade. Honestly, she almost felt [i]sorry[/i] for the club leader. Almost. [color=Aquamarine]“I’d like to see you [i]try,[/i]”[/color] Nyxia told her rooftop companion darkly. [color=Aquamarine]“My baby’s never tasted a Magical Girl before, and I gotta say, I’m kinda curious to see what he’ll think of it…”[/color]