[quote=@Psyker Landshark] Will get a post up soon. Also edited in something under skills that I realized I forgot to put in a week ago. Leaving it here for quick reference in case Nanaya wants me to take it back out. [u]Unyielding[/u]: Through a combination of conditioning, armor, and sheer, unrelenting tenacity, Iraleth is hellaciously stubborn, able to power through wounds that would take lesser warriors out of a fight. [/quote] Yep, this addition's totally fine! [quote=@Sifr] Hi, going to be off for like a day or two, [hider=sad irl stuff ig] friend of mine had their dog die this morning and I'm being there as emotional support. [/hider] Just wanna give a heads up so it doesn't look like I just, disappeared. [/quote] And sounds good, thanks for letting us know!