Jean was finally out of his hair. Good. Becker walked down a hallway that no one ever walked down. The floor echoed up as fast as his heart was beating, and every now and then the man looked over his shoulder to ensure no one was there. The gun he carried under his vest weighed on his mind heavily. When Becker turned a corner, he walked seven steps, and pressed his fingertips to a wall. The wall slid away in pieces, like a secret bookshelf. It made not so much as a sound, even as it closed behind him. Behind the wall, there was only darkness. Out of that darkness came sickly green lights to illuminate the path, which no one else could have seen had they stepped into this space. It was not a room, it was not an area. It was a "space." There was no oxygen beyond the liminal wall which Becker crossed. Becker could breathe nonetheless, because it was decided that he could. The lights could have at least been bright enough to see more than two inches in his face, but brother dearest had a flair for drama. Becker stepped forward down the path that was cut out of the negative, and his steps neither felt nor sound real. Parsecs went by with each step, and he stopped before an abstract landscape he could only acknowledge instinctually as there rather than [i]see.[/i] The landscape was like a bedchamber, safe and isolated. In this land where time had no meaning, where the mind was synonymous with existence, Becker brought him into existence. A man without a singled discernable feature. He was but a tessellation upon a backdrop that didn't truly exist in tangibility. But he was there. [color=silver]"There's been a delay. You're going to have to wait a little longer."[/color] There was silence. [color=silver]"Don't give me that look. We'll find the damn kid. Just don't burn the place down while I'm gone."[/color] [hr] Ryder's chest and arm stung like hell. Her head swam and she couldn't truly recall when she woke up, only that she did. She heard the old man and the laser twink chatting about someone named Jean. There was a pressure over the wounds, but she didn't dare to look up and open her eyes. They weren't particularly stressed by the sounds of their voices. They just talked like normal back and forth. Ryder was pretending she was still unconscious while they spoke. She stretched her powers out and determined that the things she looted were still nearby, so either she was back where they found her from, or they had moved her somewhere else and took that shit for some reason. She could've tried to read the other two, but right now Ryder didn't feel like doing much. She had relative peace and felt more liked capitalizing on it than anything else. But then again... Fuck these guys. After a lull where things chilled out, Ryder sprung up suddenly. She was on her [i]feet[/i] thanks to her ability to apply telekinesis to movement. Even in her busted up state, Ryder was primed to beat the living shit out of anyone who breathed wrong. They could've took her to the lab, yet they took her here... If she scared them, they wouldn't have a time to form a lie... Okay, time to scare them. [color=00ffff]"Where the [b][i]FUCK[/i][/b] did you come from?!"[/color]