[center] [h1][color=7DF9FF][b]Liv[/b][/color][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F04%2Fb3%2F67%2F04b367b2751732545fca68989147cf08.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=06f69ccb7019aa926148e24fb17b1dbb38cf429ec3fd9274c48978794945abcd&ipo=images[/img][/h1][hr][/center] [color=7DF9FF]"Manic? Aw you got a cute nickname for me? You [i]do[/i] like me!"[/color] She squeezed 'Mildfire' in an embrace, dancing back quickly with a jump. Before she could land, she dissipating with a poof, she reappeared on the little fire-lings left. She had seen quickly what happened when you stayed too close to this one. [color=7DF9FF]"I just knew it, all this time we were gunna be best friends."[/color] Gods this one was fun! With a wink she blinked up to Ophilia's side and gave her a sharp tug of the hair. Then booped her on the nose while turning. Without so much as a glance in her direction, Liv popped out of existence and right in front of Barre. She gabbed a finger in the girls face. [color=7DF9FF]"You! You... uh..."[/color] Shit! She had forgotten this ones name. Her finger faltered. But she was usually so good! [color=7DF9FF]"Uh... Doc. Yeah... Doc."[/color] It came out strangely and she looked at this person even more so. Head slightly cocked to the side she stared at Barre dead in the eye. For a long moment she didn't say anything. Still staring her dead in the eyes, she grabbed the water bottle from her hand. Flicking the cap off with one finger she chugged the bottle without breaking eye contact until her mouth was full as a chipmunks. Slowly Liv reached out and flicked Barre straight in the forehead with her middle finger. [color=7DF9FF]"Mmm hrr. hmmr hm'mm."[/color] She told the healer with a mouth full of water. I mean what kind of doctor couldn't cure cancer?! With her cheeks bulging Liv bounced back through space to 'MildFire'. She had heard something a moment ago when she was staring at Barre and with her recent antgonizations she had an idea for what was going on behind her. On the ground the redhead was curled up muttering something. Looking down at the figure she said [color=7DF9FF]"Wa'uh?"[/color] The emphasis on the word as she leaned over made her choke. Coughing, all of the water sprayed out of Liv's mouth all over Ophelia. Liv paused for a second, looking at the now wet and steaming girl. [color=7DF9FF]"Well no point in wasting."[/color] With a shrug she dumped the rest of the bottle on the redheads head. Leaning down she planted a kiss on the sizzling girls forehead. [color=7DF9FF]"There... Let's not start with that temper ey?"[/color] A faint whistling made her look up just as something massive crashed into the ground. Twisting mid-impact she tried to teleport out of the way. Get somewhere safe, she thought. Away! As she vanished from the spot she could feel her body tumbling, even through the short space between. When she landed, a white hot lance of pain shot up her back. She was leaning against a wall and she had spliced. Immediately a scream ripped itself out of her throat.