Natalie's progress in training, while not that of any kind of prodigy, was still impressive. It seems that the largest thing holding her back was her lack of belief in herself that she could be a hero or fight criminals. She was a clever and creative fighter and that only became more true when one day she had gained enough control over her power to be able to move the wires at will. Natalie claimed it was because she finally started thinking of the wires as her own body, instead of an inanimate object her body merely turned into. She had managed to restrain Animal Man's gorilla form on several occasions. Now the focus had shifted to physical training, to both build her body and to grant her the ability to actually fight enemies as well as simply incapacitate them. She was doggedly commited to her training regimen so was quickly seeing noticeable improvements in her strength, speed and cardio. But when it came to martial arts form, footwork, etc, she had no talent and even less patience so struggled to learn as fast as other students may have in the same amount of time. Part of this training was being put on a diet to support the training regime. And man, she really missed soda. She'd never thought of herself as 'addicted' to sodas or anything but this feeling was possibly bordering on mild withdrawal. To compensate, she'd started drinking sparkling water a lot. Right now, she was lyring across the entire sofa, sipping from a bottle while scrolling on her phone idly. Her ears perked up when Garfield mentioned one of them lacking in hand to hand but relaxed again when she realised he wasn't talking about her. She perked up again when she shouted, and sat up to look over at Garfield. "Who's where? I'm curious now."