Ryder didn’t actually want to answer the question of how she knew, as it would tip her hand and she’d light on the sheer scope of her powers. But in a split second choice, she came to a half-baked conclusion: If they knew how dangerous she was, they would keep her away from Umbra for [i]their[/i] safety. So a small part of her chose to intimidate these men. To [i]gloat.[/i] [color=00ffff]”I know [i]everything[/i] that happens in that place. All I have to do is think about it and I can read their whole system like a book. They take notes like they’re scared they’ll forget what they had for breakfast if they don’t- Every name, age, medical condition or allergy, I know the address where [i]every single worker[/i] there goes to sleep at night. Everything that’s ever been put on a computer, hard drive or sent over a text message has passed through my damn skull at least twice.”[/color] Ryder took a step towards them, channeling a bit of that manic determination she demonstrated constantly until now. [color=00ffff]”They don’t [i]breathe[/i] without me hearing the sound. Every single time someone closes a door? I know about it. Their computers do what I tell them to- I can shut the whole place down with a thought. [i]That’s[/i] how I know, because they have your name in Becker’s files. They were too stupid to think I could do it- They thought I was weak and they paid the fucking [i]price!”[/i][/color] Oddly enough, Ryder didn’t sound angry in this moment. In a scary way, she sounded proud of herself. Vindicated in how she ransacked the place as she left. [color=00ffff]”They didn’t think they had to wipe their logs or watch out for me. They didn’t think I could reach into the system’s heart and rip it out if I wanted to, so I caught them with their pants right the fuck down. I’ve known about you for years. You’re just a drop in the damn bucket, old man.”[/color]