[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/irN6cNK.png[/img][/center][@Raineh Daze] At the sight of the blood splattered across the tiles, Kaida let the peppy act fall, pressing her lips together. Now this was something magical girls didn't have to deal with, except in the darker shows. Reminders that they couldn't save everyone. She'd been prepared to find something like this - it wasn't the first time, at least for most of the team, and it wouldn't be the last. Still, she descended, bowed her head and uttered a short prayer, letting a small amount of water mist from the spheres to purify the area of death's taint and help any lingering spirit move on to the afterlife. Times like this brought out her inner shrine maiden. [color=53C6FF]"I'm sorry I can't do more,"[/color] she murmured into the air, [color=53C6FF]"but we need to stop the ones who did this. May your journey be smooth to the next world."[/color] The rituals during her years as a miko had been structured and elaborate, but time was of the essence. A comforting presence enveloped her, like the spiritual equivalent of a hug. [i][color=0020FF]"There's nothing to be sorry for."[/color][/i] Kaida's solemn features softened. [i][color=53C6FF]"Thank you, Kazemi-sama."[/color][/i] She turned and nodded to Akira, who theorised what kind of demon could be responsible for this. [color=53C6FF]"Such a messy eater's most likely a Beast class."[/color] As if on cue, a thud sounded from a nearby sporting goods shop. Kaida's frown returned. [color=53C6FF]"Sounds like we've found our culprit. I'll go investigate."[/color] Akira held back, presumably cautious about letting Andrea loose, but Kaida slowly approached the store front and peered inside.