[center][color=gold][h1]Charlotte[/h1][/color][/center] Well, it hadn't taken much at all to get the small girl in the red hood to join her in hiding behind a big tree at least. At the same time, to her the others seemed to sit there and just...dawdle. Do nothing. Not hide or think or frankly do anything about it all but just stand there. Sure, the girl hiding with Charlotte now was loud in what was a sort or survival situation. That much was true. At the same time, at least she'd bothered to do anything about the matter before them. Even if the others couldn't hear it themselves, was that an excuse to just stand there like it was nothing?! ...Ahem. Perhaps she was shunting a bit of the stress from herself and mentally onto them for a moment there. But at the very least, she and the panicked girl would be in a safe enough position in her mind. Just in case whatever came through to get to them was- [quote]Bipedal rats. Covered from top to bottom in fur. Complete with one of those hairless tails on each of them. Two of them even wore ragged, torn and shabby-looking... Shirts? Capes? It was kind of hard to tell what type of garments they might have been at one point, given their torn-up and rather disintergrated state. Still. There were now three ratmen in the clearing, having just ran in through one of the shurbs next to the clearing's edge. And as they spotted the three human women that were quickly coming closer to their running selves... They skid to a halt. Then stared. Apparently confused or stunned, not having expected to run into anyone else.[/quote] Eh? EH?! RATS?!?! Giant, bipedal rats. With fur and tails. And something in their hands? [quote]The two who wore clothes were about 4 ft (120 cm) tall, they had brtown fur except for on their chins and bellies, where the fur was a more tan color. The one not wearing any garments was bigger, standing at about 4'3" (130 cm) and was covered in dark, black fur. The two in garb were also clutching... Twigs? Branches? No, those were more like... Clubs... The bigger black one held a ... Spear... Or.. Well, a makeshift one. [/quote] Hmm. Clubs and a spear then. They were at least shorter than her, though the chance of a low blow might be higher in such a case then. Whatever they were, though, they seemed to take pause at the other three standing out in the open and then decided to attack them outright. Definitely this race didn't seem friendly either, so that answered that question in a heartbeat. Or were there other humans in this world? No idea, but she wasn't going to ponder it right now due to the obvious situation. She would turn her head slightly to whisper to Sayu, not looking over at her as she spoke and kept her eyes on the Ratmen. Rat people? Ratigans? She'd think of something later. [color=gold]"Let's see if we can get the jump on-"[/color] Her eyes then pulled over, but instead of seeing Sayu all the bunnysuit-wearing girl saw was empty air and a flash of red moving away from her and the cover. Superhumanly fast to boot, at least compared to herself if nothing else. At the same time the other girl seemed to suddenly sprout comic-book-character-like claws from her hands! It was....certainly something? [quote=Sayu/"Leeory Jenkins Would Be Proud"]"Hyaaaah!"[/quote] Aaaaaaaaand she just was running in there. Running in there in a rushing attack. Without hesitation. ...Eh, why not at this point? Charlotte would pop out from the other side of the tree, finger-gun pulling up and at the ready, before whipping her hand around to point at the nearest Rat-thing and casting [b]Crapshooty[/b] at it. While she hoped the attack would hit the target in general, this time the dice that appeared and shot out from her finger were red-colored and seemed to be on fire as they shot off like burning streaks toward their intended target. Fire, perhaps, was their element in this case? Though the action of it all made her feel like some femme fatale main-lead-supporting spy woman from some movie in the 70's or 80's that her dad would watch on occasion....ugh. [@Hammerman][@Xaltwind]