[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aHWHQEs.png[/img][/center] [b]Interactions:[/b] Lily & Odessa [@Punished GN], “Carl” [@Zombiedude101] [right][code]Sybil A Harkness MD.[/code][/right][hr] Twenty-seven? It was a large number of people to wrap her head around. But that many coming to town didn’t mean that they were all dead or something, right? The stranger - Odessa, as she introduced herself - didn’t really make it clear what had happened to them. Maybe they didn’t find anything and left. How would someone stuck in this town know otherwise? Charlie suppressed a shiver, glancing around but seeing nothing out of the ordinary. This town already gave her the creeps, and all of Odessa’s talk about missing people wasn’t helping. She could see how easy it would be for someone to disappear here. [quote=Odessa]"Twenty-six of them are missing... the body of one was found in town and umm... it's not pretty. When I say that Eleanor Black is not real: something is luring you all here - and I suspect that something is killing you all." [/quote] Charlie stiffened at the mention of a body, lips pressing into a thin line. She ignored the panic that clawed at her chest, taking a deep breath to completely push it away. A body didn’t mean anything without a cause of death. Maybe they’d died of natural causes, like a heart attack, or caught something from the swamp (or been killed by something in there). She’d seen people die before, done a stint or two in the ICU, death was rarely caused by something sinister. It didn’t mean that there was something, or someone, pulling the strings and killing everyone who knew about Eleanor Black. That was ridiculous. What even was the motive behind something like that? She was pretty sure she wouldn’t be top on the list of a weird, possibly supernatural (doubtful), small town American murderer. [quote=Odessa]"But do you all have an idea of what's out here?[/quote] [color=MediumSlateBlue]”Uh, crocodiles?”[/color] What was Odessa even talking about? Strange things that shouldn’t be possible? Surely it was just people getting freaked out by the swamp? It was the perfect place for someone’s imagination to run wild. Charlie rubbed her head, closing her eyes for a moment. Her headache was only getting worse with all of this insane sounding stuff, and the constant humid heat pressing into her. Maybe they wouldn’t even have to fake her being ill to convince the doctor. [quote=”Carl”]You can't be telling people they're gonna die, I mean how do you even know about all this, huh?"[/quote] [color=MediumSlateBlue]”Yeah, how do you know?”[/color] Charlie agreed, trying to ignore the pain throbbing in her temples. She was pretty thankful that Carl had a hold of Odessa, because she was beginning to appear more and more unhinged. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”Especially since you ‘don't know’ Eleanor Black. So far you’ve just talked in circles without actually saying anything.”[/color] Aside from that there were twenty-seven possible dead people, everything else Odessa was saying was just… nonsensical. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”Why should we trust anything you say, anyway?”[/color]