[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/8c199199ca10f1c5ef8f2ee90df61845.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/0g97bPNxxmIAAAAC/atlantis-the-lost-empire-princess-kida-princess-kida.gif[/img] [b]Action:[/b] none | [b]Bonus Action[/b]: none[/center] When the locals explained to her that their emperor seemed to not care for the dire state his people were in, she felt a slow and bubbling anger build within her. These people were starving. The very same people who kept the country running, who farmed the food and build the houses and taught children and were needed for its defenses and growth. Self serving people never understood the value of a community, the value of people well-fed, taken care of and educated where possible. It made her wonder why an emperor so self-centered and uncaring wanted to invite a peasant to his palace on his birthday. Surely not to inquire about their needs or ask for their opinion. "[color=6ecff6]I shall also accompany you[/color]", Kida said as Li Shang extended his offer. She came here to find aid for her people. And what she had found so far was a group of seemingly caring and capable people as well as a strange land with an uncaring emperor. Ideally, that emperor was more caring than the tale of the three locals let on but she doubted it. It was worth a shot meeting him anyway. If they would even get that far. But this was definitely the way forward. And if she would find no help with the authorities of this place, she was still certain she could find help with the other strangers she had met in this tavern place. "[color=6ecff6]Pacha[/color]", she rolled the name on her tongue. It was different from what she knew but so was everything here. "[color=6ecff6]It is nice to make your acquaintance. I am Kidagakash.[/color]"