[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zhp2XL5.png[/img][/center] [hr] In a single, visceral instant, Kiyo's bike was gone from beneath her. She blinked, unable to process how this had happened, watching the pavement get closer in adrenaline-fueled slow motion. Evil Eye remembered two strange thoughts occurring to her in that moment. She found it funny, of all things, that ditching the bike in favor of flying had been an afterthought. To be fair, it [i]had been[/i] a cool bike. The other odd thought that invaded her consciousness in place of any sense of self-preservation was the mental image of getting an earful, either from Rei or from Shatterscape about losing one of her precious bodies. Not that it was a [i]guarantee[/i] that she was paste by now, but... [color=#990000][i]Yeah, I should probably start flying before I become just another pretty red stain on the asphalt,[/i][/color] she finally thought. That thought, too, was snatched from her as time suddenly seemed to resume. Snatched out of the air, embraced by unfamiliar hands, she made contact with the pavement, but hardly felt a thing. That was either a very good sign, or a very bad one. Bracing herself for the subsequent impacts, she tumbled along with her captor into the grass. Were they falling down the mountain now? Eventually, mercifully, their harrowing brush with death ended. Evil Eye looked up at her rival, bewildered for only a moment before she burst out laughing yet again. [color=#990000]"Was it as good for you as it was for me?"[/color] she managed to taunt between her gasping and coughing. When she'd finally caught her breath, she simply settled into the small crater of dirt, eyes locked on Nonsuch. [color=#990000]"Be honest with me, now—what are you hoping to gain from this? You think I'll get on my knees and beg for my life? Shake your hand, tell you I was wrong all along and ask to be your friend? What?"[/color] She grinned madly, but her words carried a tone of genuine curiosity. [color=#990000]"If you're going to kill me, answer me this first: why protect a world that rewards only evil? You've seen it, I know you have; I can see it in your eyes. You're not like those others who cling to the light like shit to a toilet bowl. What goes on in that head of yours, huh?"[/color] She reached up, as if to grab Nonsuch by the shoulders and pull her in closer—and as soon as she did, all over Hibusa town, her Mogalls began screeching madly, a sound like the mournful wail of a banshee with a touch of nails on a chalkboard, with the Mogall closest to Shatterscape also flailing their appendages wildly. Unless Nonsuch looked away from Kiyo's eyes, all she would hear is a dull ringing in her ears, though.