[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Iraleth's disappointment only grew as Chloe fell to her first assault. That was all it took? Truly? The fact that so many prospective students [i]hadn't[/i] gotten past her was a poor sign. She could have defeated Chloe without resorting to invoking her Ethos. Her bolts of light had deliberately not been enhanced with the Inheritor's power, and even on foot, Iraleth wouldn't have allowed Chloe to get into grappling range given what she knew of the prissy bitch's Ethos. The knight spared a glance over to Chloe's seeming companion, but decided against engaging him for the moment. While he was almost certainly complicit in the girl's deeds, the fact remained that he hadn't inflicted [i]too[/i] much harm on everyone around him. The problem itself was taken care of for the moment. She still had to get back to finding the auditorium. Iraleth turned, and flew back from whence she came. With the benefit of flight, Iraleth arrived back at the plaza just in time to see a horde of mannequins bearing kitchen implements, of all things, charging at a lone girl. Time to even the odds, then. She descended at full speed, her shield braced in front of her. The Inheritor's armor divebombed into the midst of the horde, knocking several mannequins flat before Iraleth rose from her crouch, her sword and shield a flash of steel as she started to tear through the wave of animated dolls. [b]"Provide support, or find us the route to the auditorium!"[/b] Iraleth barked behind her towards Hildegunde, several rays of light crashing down from the sky to try to thin the crowd out further. [b]"Either or, I care not!"[/b] [@Sifr]