[b]Hsien![/b] You have never seen [i]Alice in Wonderland.[/i] This is almost certainly the case. You're not familiar with the whirling chaos of a dream collapsing, of the chaos of a deck of cards suddenly rising up and crashing over your head, of all sorts of strange and chaotic things swirling about you, and it is while your mother screams at you through a mouthful of fangs, her eyes yellow fires, ordering you to spit her out right this instant you little [i]brat[/i], that something flings itself at you-- --and the back of your head hits the pavement. Above you, the towers stretch into the clouds, holding up heaven (metaphorically, perhaps literally). It's doing a misty late evening rain, dusting across your face, your cheeks, your lips, the bit of blood in your mouth. This is an experience that demands you make a gifset about it, combine it with just the right bit of poetry, and feel satisfied for making art. Above you is something like a wombat (which, thanks to Tumblr, you know is an animal that has square-shaped poop and uses its ass as a defense). It has no head, no neck, nothing but body. It has wings like a pigeon, four of them, sprouting off its grey-furred, rounded body. Three pairs of clawless paws knead on top of you as it settles in, and the weight of it is like a building falling on top of you. The density is just [i]incredible[/i]. But at least the vending machine is gone, and it's raining on you, and above you, you can see the police aerocraft making its final approach to the nearby HOUND Rapid Response Center. The world is still beneath you, and the clouds are grey-green, and you're definitely going to need someone's help getting this weird little critter off of you, unless you want to try something audacious. [hr] [b]Shifu![/b] "Well..." Izi says, drawing it out, clinging to the first instinct that she can find, which is to conversationally maneuver until she can find a place where she's strong and forceful again. "You [i]did[/i] just ruin my raid. And turn into an elephant." "Izi," Joshua begins, "if you don't delete the picture off your phone then this place might get shut down and there will be no place for raids to happen, and who's going to open up a new place this close to the skating rink?" "Fine. Explain to me how you turned into an elephant and I'll delete the picture," Izi says, going for concessions. "And I want a [i]real[/i] explanation. If I'm not satisfied, I keep the picture. And you don't have the guts to ban me, before you say anything, Chan!" [hr] [b]Rain![/b] A vending machine tumbles through the ceiling. Not in a way that it breaks through, more like someone just happened to push a precariously-placed vending machine off a ledge, but it's a vending machine trailing a power cable and increasing in speed as it tumbles down towards you, and things might have gotten dicey for a moment there, but Bai tackles you right off the bench and onto the floor, wrapping her arms around you as the vending machine breaks the bench in half with a horrible noise of crunching and smashing glass and, far away, a shrill scream. Bai is on top of you, breathing heavy, and... are you completely in control of your powers right now? You're not about to sink through the floor, right? It'd be [i]really easy[/i] in a moment like this.