After the shuffling noise, and the sound of something falling from a shelf, the sports goods store was just as eerily still as the rest of the shopping center. Nothing moved or made the slightest sound. While there was blood out in the main area, there wasn't a single sign of anything of the sort within the store. Here and there, there were items that had fallen, possibly knocked down during the evacuation effort. By this point, it was impossible to tell if anything had been knocked down recently, so there was no way of knowing where the sound had come from in the first place. To put it simply, it was impossible to figure out just what had caused the sound. But it wasn't as if a Beast-class demon was a bad guess. As they neared the rear of the shop, however- A figured blurred from around the corner, arms raised, poised to attack. It let out a loud sound, not unlike the war cry- -of a young girl? [url=]A baseball bat over her head, the girl looked to be no older then roughly nine, wearing a stroped tanktop and denim shorts with orange, striped thigh-high socks.[/url] She paused, the bat still raised over her head. "... W-wait," she started, "You're not demons?" [@Raineh Daze][@Rune_Alchemist][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Quartz][@Emeth][@LuckyBlackCat]