[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent]When the cacophony of magic subsided, Aria's breath caught as she took in the sight of the ratman. His once-brown fur now bore the scars of her moonlight barrage, singed and matted in patches. The tattered remnants of his garments clung desperately to him, like relics of a past battle. He remained frozen in a dazed stupor, seemingly struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events. In a moment that verged on the surreal, he wobbled precariously before finally succumbing, collapsing to the side with an almost comedic gracelessness. The crude club he once brandished lay beside him, now a forsaken tool of aggression, forgotten and powerless. Aria's initial relief morphed into a turbulent mix of emotions as the dust settled. It was a stark reminder of the power she now held, the potential to alter the course of life with a mere thought. She couldn't deny the necessity of her actions, but it weighed heavily on her conscience. This ratman...person...thing was not a faceless enemy but a sentient being, a creature capable of thought and emotion. The remnants of his appearance told a story of struggle and survival in a world that was apparently as unforgiving as she was now. Aria's mind raced, grappling with the implications of what she had just done. Turning to her companions, Aria sought solace in their faces, seeking understanding or reassurance. This world was a puzzle, and they were its unwitting players, forced to make decisions with consequences they couldn't fully fathom. She couldn't help but wonder how this experience would shape not only her but each of them. The forest seemed to close in around them, the once-familiar sounds of nature now a haunting backdrop to their newfound reality. The weight of their situation pressed down on her, urging her to find strength in the face of uncertainty. Aria's attention then shifted to the larger, black-furred ratman. It lay near the tree, clearly injured and struggling to move. Watching the creature attempt to stir, a pang of compassion welled up within her. Her mind immediately began to churn with questions. What should they do next? They had already dealt with the other two ratmen, but now faced a dilemma regarding this injured one. It was a challenge that demanded careful consideration. Killing it seemed like the most straightforward option, considering the threat they had just faced. But as Aria studied the wounded ratman, she couldn't help but hesitate. It appeared so weak and defenceless now that the thought of ending its life felt like a weighty decision. Communication was another possibility, but how could they even begin to communicate with a creature from this strange world? The language barrier alone seemed insurmountable. Aria turned her gaze back toward her companions, her expression reflecting the uncertainty that clouded her thoughts. "What...should we do with it?" [/indent]