[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮[Invalid Credentials]⋮:.[/Sub] [/Center] Penny’s gaze was drawn towards the artifact as it was thrown into the air. Noting absently that it was roughly next to Snoopy high above them, so much side dealing was happening tonight, and none of it currently from the Mint. How curious. Still Alex had a point, Penny was one of the leading voices in Penrose. If for no other reason then she chose to pick up Cindy’s mantle. It was time to put her Crown to use it seemed. [color=9e0039][u][b]“You know You’ve still not given us any reason to trust anything you say, you realize that Chloe.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would say at last as she turned to regard Chloe [color=9e0039][u][b]“And while for most of the people here they’ve never met you before. You really seem to think that I’ll be willing to brush off your past actions for some reason. In smells of desperation.”[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e0039][u][b]“You abandoned me three times, each time promising it would never happen again, yet it did. And each time you came back, it was never made known to me until it was unavoidable. And that was before you somehow failed upward and became a Broker.”[/b][/u][/color] She took soft steps towards the petite Necromancer. But stopped before she got very close. [color=9e0039][u][b]“You lie and cheat and steal, and before you sold out, you at least had a strong reason to do so.”[/b][/u][/color] She would say shaking her head at the girl before her. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Now you bring offerings rife with blatant strings at the behest of callous Masters who care not for any of us save for what they can carve from us.”[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e0039][u][b]“Sanctuary denounces you Agent of the Mint. We shall not deal with you, not before we have reason to believe, though action, not word, that you seek to better the City.”[/b][/u][/color] The Queen would declare. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Your actions past and attitude current do not show one who is acting in good faith. So, I will not condone you to be one of the pillars to defend us.”[/b][/u][/color] With that said she would turn away from Chloe. Having nothing more to say to her. And nothing save a dull ache in her chest for having needed to say it in the first place. It might have only been remnants from Jason, but Penny had still harbored some manner care for Chloe, buried under hurt and anger. But seeing what had become of the girl all she could feel was pity and a vague loss. She set aside those feeling for later. There was still a meeting to deal with. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Ronin, Miko. It’s an interesting idea. And Mariette that is potentially vital intel to know, thank you. Before we cover either of those topics, I would suggest we relocate.”[/b][/u][/color] She would go on to state, turning to face the majority that was gathered here as she spoke. [color=9e0039][u][b]“As we’ve been told our privacy is on a time limit."[/b][/u][/color] A nod toward Nefer to remind them all [color=9e0039][u][b]"And since we have turned down Mint’s… Offer. I am unsure if they can be reasoned as allies. After all they have agents deep in Wonderland’s forces, by their own admission. It wouldn’t surprise me if what we plan out with them present ends up in their hands sooner rather than later due our choice.”[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e0039][u][b]“To that end I offer up The Bastion as the next meeting place if everyone is willing.”[/b][/u][/color]