[@Ponn] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e345a640-6f5c-47dc-a2b8-3adc8382b2a0.png[/img][/center][hr] Were this exercise purely for the sake of seeing Nyxia shattered as a person, there would have been nothing short of naked, intoxicated revelry on Earthshaker's face. And if Nyxia was still of the Light, then there indeed have been such indulgence. But the girl breaking down before her was her kin in darkness, and more than that, she was Earthshaker's partner. Coming down to a knee before her, a tanned hand reached out and cupped the nape of her neck. With a steady pull Nyxia would find face set against the Rule Keeper's shoulder, her bare skin warm to the touch as the shade of her cloak hid Nyxia's anguished face from the world around them. Yet warmer still was the barrel of the Obliterator now pressed between them. It hung there by the pressure of their embrace alone as both arms enveloped the Laser Magical Girl fully. [color=orange]"Never again will anyone take him from you."[/color] She whispered the words with a tremor of the emotion beneath her stolid exterior. The barest quiver of black [I]rage[/I] thrumming through every muscle and shaking her bones. [color=orange]"But I ask you to think bigger. What good is killing mindless monsters who know neither joy nor despair? Is the flicker of catharsis all you want...or will you take this power, and do what you couldn't before and Kaito no longer can?"[/color] [color=orange]"This world cares nothing for us. Every life lost is a meaningless statistic. So we must come together, and bend this wretched place into something worth [I]living[/I] in."[/color] Her arms loosened and Roche tilted her head back, letting the hood fall away as the dwindling moonlight danced across bone-white locks. [color=orange]"Live. Live as only we can, for the happiness that those whose loss broke us no longer can. So you can look down from the mountain you could never even allow yourself to dream of climbing and see his smile in the clouds below you."[/color] Earthshaker was standing then, the warmth of her arms a fading memory as she extended a hand towards the Neon Tempest. The lighting shifted as the cloak melted away and a familiar face in [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/920db2e6-ed57-49a7-8c52-fdbc857ff9c6.jpg]track garb[/url] stared down at her with a slight, ephemeral smile. [color=orange]"Let me show you that world."[/color]