[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Iraleth's reckless charge halted as the mannequins fell silent and she was met with a crossroads. Two separate walkways, and the building the mannequins had initially emerged from. She knew damned well the auditorium wasn't in there. The two that had initially arrived in the plaza with her hadn't gone that way, wherever they were now. That still left two possible paths to take. The wrong one would likely shatter her chances of making it to the goal in time- The boy next to her spoke. How convenient. He knew the layout already? It likely had something to do with his Ethos. The chance that this was an attempt at sabotage would be counterproductive. Any attempt to disable her while she was flying with him in tow would risk himself as well. More than that, the offer of a restoration spell was extremely welcome. While Iraleth could heal her own wounds, refreshing her stamina with her own magic was a different story entirely. The effort required to shape Essence to rejuvenate herself would cost her strength as much as it restored, making the entire venture a net zero sum. That alone tilted the offer in his favor. If there were further trials after this, preserving her strength would be more than worthwhile. Iraleth's helmet nodded, and she turned her back before kneeling down. [b]"I accept. Mind the wings."[/b] She replied, as the other girl with the gun caught up with them. Iraleth tilted her head in thought for a brief moment. As mouthy as she had been, the girl cooperated well enough and hadn't done anything foolish yet. Plus, she'd be weighed down as it was, escorting one. A second might even help, with the aid of a ranged weapon. [b]"You."[/b] Iraleth dismissed the sword in her right hand, using it to point at Hildegunde. [b]"Join as well, if you wish. How is your aim while moving?"[/b] Her right arm beckoned, evidently looking to tuck the gunner under her shoulder and carry her that way. [@AThousandCurses] [@Sifr]