[center][h1][b][color=violet]Clarissa Ryte[/color][/b][/h1] [i]Byjerfal Airport, Commerical District, Byjerfal City[/i][/center] [quote]“...for the love of...” “Hey hey hey, what have we here? A cute little trainer falling right into my lap?” A smirk that could only be described in some manner as smugly malicious appeared on Valarie’s lips as she’d look down at Clarissa. “And a cute little bunny, too! Your boss would love this lady, wouldn’t she?” “...Miss Kiera does like Bunearies, yes…” The suit wearing woman would help Clarissa to her feet. “You alright miss? If so, move on. Neither of us have time to entertain fans-” [/quote] The psychic trainer accepted the help up as she listened to the two women talk in front of her, grabbing the nearby handle of her suitcase as she did so before she forgot, before trying to dust herself off a small bit. At least her suitcase was ok, and she was in one piece, though Sir Lopsalot visibly scrambled in a hurry to get back up onto his little Buneary legs before walking over to Clarissa and look up at her with a concerned expression. "Bun?" But it wasn't as if she had the chance to respond, as a moment later- [quote]“Heey, don’t listen to that dummy. I make the rules here so I can do whatever I want, including entertaining a cute little fan like yourself.” Valarie interjected, taking a few steps towards Clarissa, earning a frown and a quiet grumble from the suited woman. “So how about it? A once in a lifetime chance to have some alone time with me. I’ll even give you a first class ticket to the contest. VIP seat, back stage access, autographs.” [/quote] Eh? EH?! What was this all of a sudden! She'd just been grabbed by a press from the crowd, and...a-ah, wasn't this the Valerie the crowd was trying to get toward? [quote]The suited woman was glaring at Clarissa now. The word ‘Menacing’ certainly came to mind. Many of the people in the crowd were complaining about how it should have been them.[/quote] The glare from the seemingly stoic suited woman just to the side. The smug the smugly malicious smirk of this Valerie who had gotten basically in her face and whose eyes seemed to stare into her soul. The dissapointed mumbling of the dissipating crowd behind her as Sir Lopsalot jumped up into the psychic girl's arms and looked at her with worry about how she was feeling. Her head, reeling from the fall and trying to grasp the situation in front of her on a dime. She. Umm. But. It. Maybe. Aaaaah.... [color=violet]"O-O-Ok!"[/color] The word left her lips in a slightly panicked stutter, but one that accepted the smug woman's offer nonetheless. All as Sir Lopsalot was being held in her arms, and her suitcase stood up next to her once more. Frankly, once this sudden matter was wrapped up one way or another, Clarissa knew she was going to bolt for wherever Sir Lopsalot had been guiding her to. Hopefully that would be someone holding a sign or something, so she could finally make her way to the Professor's Lab. Anything to escape the awkward situation and get herself back under control before her power took the chance to pop out and do something funny. Luckily for her, she had just enough of a thumb on it to at least avoid that worst-case scenario for the moment being. [@Rune_Alchemist]