[img]https://i.imgur.com/aHWHQEs.png[/img] Interactions: "Carl" [@Zombiedude101], Lily [@Punished GN] & Dr. Harkness [code]Sybil A Harkness MD.[/code] [hr] Doctor Harkness sure didn't beat around the bush. But her reaction to what Charlie said was a lot better than expected. Sure, she basically told them that their previous plan was stupid. But how were they supposed to know? Was it normal in America to rock up and ask to talk to the doctor about a family member? Or like, anything not medical? Back home you'd never get anywhere near the doctor. The poor doctor would probably be fully booked for months anyway. "I mean," Charlie held up her hands with a relaxed smile. "Kinda safer to assume you are... Everyone's been looking at us strange so wouldn't really expect any different from the town doctor." That wasn't important anyway, no point dwelling on what they could've done. "Well, uh, speaking of Mary-Louise..." And that family that possibly included Charlie, who knew, it was difficult knowing who you were related to when your mother completely disappeared. She fiddled with her hands, which were way too sweaty thanks to the heat, and tried to figure out if it was smart to just give a name. But what else could she do? It was the person they were all here to look for. "A relative, I guess? Not the ones running this town and all but my mum's definitely a relative." Probably. "Her name's Eleanor Black."