[center][h2]Alexander Nells[/h2][/center] [center]Byjerlfal City Airport[/center] "Oh, you want to pet my Noibat," Alexander, sounding surprised. Alexander turned his head to Cora and spoke in a soft tone. "Cora, you okay with letting Leo pet you?" Cora looked at Leo, and after a moment of thought, she worked up her courage and nodded yes. "Okay, it looks like she is okay with it, he replied, and he raised his hand up for Cora to jump to and held her in front of Leo. "Just do not be careful with her. She is shy, and being around alot of people has kinda scared her." Now, turning his head towards Frieda. "Hello, Frieda and Pix," Alexander giving a warm smile and a wave with his free hand. "I have no questions at the moment, Frieda. I am just glad I made it here, and it seems at a busy time with Valarie being here. Going through that crowd was not fun, and Cora here is a bit scared, but she should get better once we get out of here." Alexander then looked towards the crowd, is Clarissa in that crowd? He thought as the crowd started to disperse. It's easier to go through it now, and hopefully, she does not take too long to get here.