[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K8f1fGj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7Zopqau.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EJE6DMY.png[/img][h1]Sybil Harkness[/h1] [/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Charlie ([@FernStone]), "Carl" ([@Zombiedude101]), & Dr. Harkness. [right][b][code]Sybil A. Harkness MD.[/code][/b][/right][hr] [quote=Charlie]"A relative, I guess? Not the ones running this town and all but my mum's definitely a relative."[/quote] "If your mother's [i]also[/i] black, she's no relative of them. The Black Family are, despite their name, white as they get." Sybil said in response. [quote=Charlie]"Her name's Eleanor Black."[/quote] Sybil was quiet for a few seconds before she let out a chuckle. "... Ahhhh, why did I just [i]think[/i] you here for that?" She gave her thigh a little slap as she continued to laugh, obvious that she wanted to laugh harder but suppressed that urge because she didn't want her nurses to get suspicious. However, her face went deadly serious as she faced Charlie, Lily, and Carl. "Look, I don't know an Eleanor Black, but there were [i]others[/i] that came into town looking for her." [color=Mediumorchid]"Like those five girls that are missing?"[/color] Lily finally injected, tilting her head slightly as she narrowed her eyes at Dr. Harkness. "... And I'm going to tell you the same thing I told them," Dr. Harkness started, before she looked at the window to ensure that it was closed, "Keep your heads down... plenty of people have come into town askin' around for Eleanor Black and guess what happened to them?" [color=Mediumorchid]"They're missing?"[/color] Lily injected again. "Oh no sweetie," Dr. Harkness chuckled, "In Quintin, [i]"missing"[/i] is just a nicer way to say [i]"Haven't found the body yet"[/i]." [color=Mediumorchid]"Figures, mami,"[/color] Lily said. Dr. Harkness looked at every member of the group, pointing a pen at each of them as she was deadly serious, "I [i]would[/i] suggest that you all just up and leave for your own safety but taking one good hard look at you all; I can tell you're not going to do that. So what I will tell you is that need to keep your heads down, and your mouths [i]shut...[/i]" That was when Sybil glanced at the closed door, ensuring that nobody was listening as she spoke in a hushed tone. "... And keep your damn head on a swivel, especially at night. There are some things here that are a [i]lot[/i] worse than an alligator, or a methhead." [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vJPMvZy.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Wyatt ([@Helo]), & Neko ([@Atrophy]) [right][b][code]House on the Edge of the Swamp[/code][/b][/right][hr][quote=Wyatt][color=FF6101]“I gotta pass on the water, just came from a little coffee shop up the road, stuff’ll run right through ya. Think I could use your bathroom? Maybe you could show me where that’s at? I’m Wyatt. I think I missed your name.”[/color][/quote] "Of course," Blake said. However, the prostitute shifted her weight to one hip popped out a cigarette, and gave it a light as she puffed it. She gave Wyatt a narrow look as she said, "[i]Maggy[/i] - but I ain't the butler here, find it yourself." Maggy blew out a puff of smoke as she threw a hand up, "I'm smokin' here." [quote=Neko][color=FFB6C1]“I’m looking for a missing girl—my daughter. She disappeared a couple of months ago. For the longest time, nobody believed me. Nobody helped me. I thought…I thought I was… The thing is, I heard you might be able to help me find her. I’m not accusing you of anything or saying you’re involved, it’s just that maybe you know things about someone who is. I know you used to work for the Black family. My name is Neko Carbella, but before my divorce, it used to be Neko Black. My ex’s name is Anthony Black. He grew up in New York. From what I could find online there isn’t any relation between his family back home and the family down here, but somehow my daughter knew about this town. She knew about the family you worked for. It doesn’t make sense, like, it’s actually impossible, it’s—Any information about the family would be, well, it’d just be amazing. Please, I’m just trying to make sense of all of this. I need to find my daughter Eleanor. She’s only seventeen. If anything happened to her, I’d…I’d…please, I need to know.”[/color][/quote] "Has it [i]ever [/i]occurred to you that other people have [i]"Black"[/i] as their surname, genius?" Maggy injected as she leaned up against the wall, smoking her cigarette. Blake was quiet as he carefully took in all of Neko's words, when she finished he didn't speak for a few moments. "I'm sorry for your troubles, it is unfortunate... but the sad truth is that I can't help you find your daughter. What I [i]can[/i] do is give you all the information I know on the Black Family... I was their butler for over forty years!" Blake said as he leaned forward in his chair, placing a hand on his chin as he let out a quiet "hmmmmmmmm" as a sort of hum. He paused yet again as he leaned back. "I honestly don't know where to start... Well, I'll start from the top! The Black Family runs a monopoly on coal mining and exporting it to neighboring cities and getting big bucks from it. It's how they remain so rich. The family is headed by Mary-Louise and, ah, I can remember when she was just a little girl! She was so sweet... Well, I was the butler from around when her father, Albert, was around but unfortunately... uh...." Blake trailed off, scratching the back of his head as if he was unsure of how to explain before he continued, "... There was an incident when she was a little girl. Her whole family was wiped out except for her, her brother Grant Black, and her grandfather Walter Black. My God Walter did a number on her, turned a sweet girl into a monster! A massive control freak and, I hope this doesn't get taken the wrong way, bitch. I'm getting off track here, aren't I?" Blake awkwardly laughed as he scratched the back of his head, "Mary-Louise has five kids with her husband Marcus; Callum, Augustus, Mary-Louise Jr, Levi, and Justine... each of them are as fucked up as their mother; just in different ways. But, I never heard of an [i]Eleanor[/i] - a name that has been popping up a [i]lot[/i] lately - but let me give you a word of advice." Blake then leaned forward as he said, "Keep your mouth shut about Eleanor Black, people have come into town before looking for an Eleanor, and [i]every[/i] one of them has turned up dead... matter of fact, I heard about a group of girls that went up to the Old Black Manor and they went missing last night." Maggy perked up and turned her head to look at Blake... before she went back to her cigarette.