[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [hider=Inventory] 3500 Pokédollars, 2 pokeballs, 1 pokedex, 6 potions[/hider] [hider=Party] [hider=Phantump] Phantump [img]https://i.imgur.com/BkmbjrI.png?1[/img] Type: [color=8882be]Ghost[/color]/[color=39b54a]Grass[/color] Level: 5 Moves: Astonish Tackle Branch Poke Ability: Harvest, allowing the pokemon to recover a berry after consumption or being used for Natural Gift or Fling Held Item: None[/hider] [hider=Mimikyu][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lLxyxsU.png?1[/img] Gender: Female Type: Ghost/Fairy Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 5 Moves: Splash, Astonish, Scratch, Copycat Ability: Disguise [i]Once per battle, the shroud that covers the Pokémon can protect it from an attack.[/i] Held Item: [/center][/hider] [hider=Golett] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DOnMgQh.png?1[/img][/center] Gender: N/A Type: Ghost/Ground Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 5 Moves: Astonish, Mud Slap, Defense Curl Ability: No Guard [i]The Pokémon employs no-guard tactics to ensure incoming and outgoing attacks always land. ([/i] Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Yamask (Galarian)] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OPT76dm.png?1[/img][/center] Gender: N/A Type: Ghost/Ground Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 5 Moves: Astonish, Protect, Haze Ability: Wandering Spirit [i]The Pokémon exchanges Abilities with a Pokémon that hits it with a move that makes direct contact.[/i] Held Item: [/hider] [/hider] [@hatakekuro] [@Lunarlord34][/center] The journey to the fishing store was nice and peaceful. Amelia did her best to keep up with Steph's pace, managing to do so with little effort, though she suspected that Steph might have slowed down a bit for her. But as they walked along the Route, Amelia took the time to look around at their surroundings. She had grown used to being up late and as such, she was usually still asleep until around noon, making being up this early a bit of a new and refreshing experience. Seeing things cast in the light of early dawn wasn't dissimilar to the world in cast in the light of dusk, save for the pokemon that were coming out. As they walked, Amelia paid a mind to her sixth sense, always eager to see if she could feel a Ghost-Type nearby. When they reached the fishing shop and the wood quay that it was built on, she watched the pokemon swimming around beneath the surface of the water, wondering how many she might be able to recognize. This resulted in her lagging behind a bit and with her attention elsewhere, she didn't notice when Steph stopped to battle the fisherman who had decided to pick a battle with the older girl. This resulted in her running into Steph, letting out a small cry of surprise as she fell back, managing to stay on the wooden path. As she was getting up, she heard someone mentioning Steph by name and had to look up to see a very tall and very pretty looking girl. The next thing she knew, this giant was kneeling down to her height and even complimenting her, something Amelia had not been expecting. "[color=a187be]Oh... um... tha... thank you.[/color]" She said in a low, embarrassed voice, quickly looking at the ground as her cheeks turned bright red. She still wasn't used to being given compliments by people she didn't know and she honestly wasn't that cute... was she? Surely she was just average. "[color=a187be]But... uh... oh, you... are you... Freya?[/color]"