[quote=@ReusableSword] [@Zeroth] is Shamar the scout, in the orc camp somewhere? [/quote] She is indeed! Feel free to use the following if needed for your post: [quote]Shamar, the Head Hunter of the tribe, could be seen near a large, yurt-like dwelling on the far western side of the camp, in an area of flat, unshaded rock. Away from the hustle and bustle of most other orcs, it was unclear whether she settled here out of personal taste... or because the fumes from her animal pelts, stretched and tanning in the sun, were so strong. Even to an orc's nose, they were unpleasantly pungent. The finished product of her pelts could be seen in her home's construction, stitched together in a multitude of colors with fur still attached. Five squares of hide, each differing in size, were stretched over racks in front of a partially covered, smoking fire and looked just about finished. One more piece was currently soaking in a large, fire-carved bowl made from a section of tree stump---the mixture stank of brine and animal viscera, and had thick, skimmy bits of oily fat floating on its surface. Two more hides, these quite fresh, were draped over a sawhorse made of logs and Shamar herself stood over them with a sharp stone, continually scraping muscle and fat from her trophies. Near the entrance of her yurt was another wooden rack, this one taller off the ground, with several stone or clay basins beneath it. Here hung four fresh kills, likely collected from the female orc's traps earlier in the morning, even before the runts were allowed on their own hunts. Two jackalopes, an Elwet, and some strange, dog-sized creature that looked like a mix of a baby panda and raccoon, with a rotund body. The flesh of its belly drooped as it hung upside down, its blood draining into the basin, and the fatty flab was long enough it looked as if the creature had been wearing an apron.[/quote]