[@Click This], [@Crusader Lord], [@Hammerman], [@Qia] [hr] [center][h3][b]Some Forest...[/b][/h3][/center] Laynea listened as [b][u]Sayu[/u][/b] spun her tale of the girls being wanderers from afar. Which, in some regards wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't exactly true. However, when the wolf-eared red riding hood mentioned the group's garments being enchanted, Laynea's eyes lit up and her jaw almost dropped. "Wh-whoa-huh!? You're telling me you guys could afford enchanted equipment? Wow... That's amazing, you all gotta bcome from wealthy families, huh?" Apparently, the girls had just learned that enchanted equipment and gear wasn't something just anyone could walk into a store and buy. This also meant that their social profiling was now set to the higher echelons of the populace... Which might be good or bad, epending on who they ran into... Or if someone started questioning them about the ins and outs of high society or put their lack of common sense and proper etiquette into question. But those were concerns for a later day! When [b][u]Aria[/u][/b] approached and asked questions about the city though, Laynea tilted her head and blinked, looking at the sailor soldier of the moon with a puzzled expression. "Yeah, it's close by. Just a short walk from here." The girl paused. "Oh, right... You're all lost. Right, let me just--" [b][i]SPLAT!![/i][/b] [u][b]Charlotte[/b][/u] had decided to decide the fate of the wounded, whimpering ratling on her own. Well, most of the girls [i][b]had[/b][/i] agreed that it was better to put old yeller down, but it was still a rather sudden and abrupt decision with no real deliberation. The injured larger ratling, who had gotten a face-full-of-[b][u]Sayu[/u][/b]-claws now had an additional cavity in its head - courtesy of the resident bunny girl. After witnessing the display of cranial carnage however, Laynea made a face that was a bit hard to read... Like, she was both confused, surprised and shocked all at the the same time, though not because of the apparent brutality. "Umm... Did... Did you not intend to harvest its mana gem? It... It already looked dead to me." [u][b]Cecilia[/b][/u] then answered some of Laynea's questions - although most of them had already been answered, and then countered with a few querries of her own. The black haired adventurer was... Not really sure [i]where[/i] to look when addressing the bikini-clad warrior of steel, so she opted to avert her eyes - her cheeks a bit flushed and her eyes a bit averted, just enough to make the brit realize how awkward ut was to have a conversation with someone dressed like that in the middle of a forest. "... Right... Well, uh... Yes, I was looking for these ratlings." The black-haired adventurer responded to [b][u]Cecilia's[/u][/b] question. "I'd accepted a quest to hunt some of them, and these were the last three I needed to finish the job. Ahhh, but now I'll need to find three more I guess." She sighed a bit and put a hand on her own forehead, apparently surrendering these kills to the group of girls without even raising a stink about it. "If you want-" She then started, perking right back up again. "-I could show you to Krosana, or at least point you in the right way, if you'd all like." The young girl offered. "I do need to get my hands on three more ratling tails and three more of their mana gems first though, otherwise I might ot finish the quest today... Ehehe... And I'd really like to be able to afford dinner tonight, you know?" She laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. It seemed one could not simpy,ly claim to have killed monsters in this world. Hard proof, in the form of body-parts and somehting called [i]mana gems[/i], seemed to be a requirement to satisfy whatever employer this little adventurer had. But at least she'd offered to take, or show, the foreign girls to the city she was from, so that was pretty sweet, right? Now all they had to decide was whether to take her up on her offer, sit around and wait for her to get her own hunting done, or make a completely different decision altogether.