[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210514/189728ef9f5e26e29946443e0dfe6cb3.png[/img][/center] Deuel took charge of the situation, and started giving orders. Conner was still in shock of the situation he had wound up in. And here Deuel was barking out orders like this kind of thing happened everyday. [color=deepskyblue]“I dunno. Maybe we should explore this place, and figure out what’s going on.”[/color] Conner shrugged. Just then, a small weasel jumped on Deuel‘s shoulder, and transformed his outfit. The weasel said Deuel was the chosen one, and the rest of them were his adventuring party. Conner didn’t bother to listen to the rest of this speech. He was suddenly reminded of his sister. She always got chosen for everything. He was always an afterthought, and Conner wasn’t going to stand for it. [color=deepskyblue]“Hold up. I am not just someone’s adventuring party you little rat! You better come over here and give me a cool outfit too.”[/color] Then there was another voice. [color=blue]“Stop stop!”[/color] A small blue dolphin swam through the air, and started scolding the weasel. [color=blue]“Basil, we talked about this! I thought we agreed we would observe them before we made our presence known?”[/color] The dolphin then spoke to the rest of the group. [color=blue]“You’ll have to excuse him. He has a stick up his ass.”[/color] The Dolphin then sat on his Conner’s shoulder. [color=blue]“The name’s Chesi. As for you. You should be feeling a surge of energy now. Just let it flow, and you should be getting your own transformation in 3…2…1…”[/color] Conner was soon surrounded with water. His clothes disappeared, and were gradually replaced with his magical boy attire. His hair and eyes turned blue, and a trident also formed in his hand. [img]https://i.imgur.com/UtW0IG1.png[/img] When the transformation was complete, Conner spun his trident around, and struck a pose. [color=deepskyblue]“Now, that’s what I’m talking about!”[/color] He felt powerful. And for once, he had been chosen for something. And not his annoyingly perfect sister. [color=blue]“I know. It’s cool right!”[/color] Chesi clapped her flippers excitedly and started making dolphin noises. She stopped after a bit, and felt embarrassed that she had done that. [color=blue]“Ahem… Yes, but anyway. Basil is right about one thing. You guys were brought here for a reason. To help save our realm from evil.”[/color]