[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmNjEwMS5WM2xoZEhRZ1FXNWtaWEp6YjI0LjA/fun-cartoon-2.regular.webp[/img][/center] [right][sub]Location: Swamp Cabin Interactions: Neko [@Atrophy], Olivia, Jordan, & Nori [@NoriWasHere], Blake/Maggy [@Punished GN][/sub][/right] [hr] Even though Maggy shot down his attempt to separate her and Blake, Neko’s honesty worked anyway. Whether it was wise to ask these questions around prying ears, well the time to worry about that had passed. Blake’s answer contained a whole lot more things to worry about; everyone who’s turned up looking for Eleanor Black was dead. Or missing and presumed dead which wasn’t much better. [color=FF6101][i]Weird.[/i][/color] It wasn’t much better to realize the whole town was likely aware of this and just pretended that a whole lot of dead tourists weren’t worth investigating. Suddenly this felt a lot less Scooby-Doo and a lot more Wicker Man. [color=FF6101]“Got many families here in Quintin named Black? Cause, otherwise, would be strange for so many people to come down here looking for an Eleanor Black in the middle of a swamp. Almost as strange as having such a small town with so many people going missing. A well-connected man like yourself must have some guess about all that.”[/color] Wyatt asked, looking at Blake, and everything about the butler seemed to say he wasn’t hiding much. Not in that robe at least. [color=FF6101]“And these missing folks, all out-of-towners? No trouble here for any locals?”[/color] He looked only at Maggy as he asked that one. If anyone was going to have the details on dark going-ons in town a working gal with no filter was a good place to start. [color=FF6101]“Any creepy characters lurking around dark alleys?”[/color] He asked.