[center][img]https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/40200000/Lee-Bo-Young-leeboyoung-40202058-540-263.gif[/img][/center] [hr] As the helmet's contents clattered to the desk behind her, Shin-ae [i]jumped,[/i] and the violin case that she held in her hand bumped into the cabinet she was searching with a loud [i]thud.[/i] She directed a cold glare back at Ethan, but ultimately, she didn't see the point of yelling at him. He'd apologized anyway, so he wasn't likely to do it again. Speaking of the cabinet, there wasn't anything of much use in it. Well, there was a small bottle of hot sauce, the really spicy stuff, nestled back against the wall. They [i]could[/i] drink it if they needed to, but she would [i]really[/i] prefer not to. She didn't know the brand. Still, no point in not taking it, it wasn't like it weighed much. She frowned to herself, looking up at the ceiling. Did she bring her water bottle today? She couldn't remember. If she had, it would be in her locker now. Shaking her head--heading out to search her locker sounded hazardous right about now--she turned, shutting the cabinet again behind her and moving on to the next. Again, nothing of much use. Stacks of paper, notebooks, a box of pencils...she was about to close the door--last one on that side of the room--when she realized she hadn't searched the bottom shelf. Bending down, she peered in, ran her hand along the inside walls... Ooh, that felt promising. Withdrawing her hand, she found herself looking at a roll of duct tape. Used, clearly; there wasn't much left on there. But it never hurt to have. Tossing the bottle a few times up and down in her hand, she walked quietly over and put it down on the desk next to the chocolate bars with a soft [i]clink,[/i] then dropped the roll of tape beside it, only half listening to what Ethan was saying. What a dumb question. "[color=A6FFF2]Just about the only things worthwhile on that side of the room.[/color]"