Here we go! I think my guy is ready to rock.. Hopefully. [hider=He's a PokeManiac!] [b]Name:[/b] [color=bc8dbf]Cal (Callahan) Freesch[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=bc8dbf]12[/color] [b]Pronouns:[/b] [color=bc8dbf]He/Him[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=bc8dbf] [indent] A scrawny kid with fair skin, bright green eyes complete with circular red rimmed glasses, and short brown hair. Cal is adorned with a series of freckles on his face and typically wears a nervous grin with a missing front tooth that's yet to grow in. He perpetually has dirt underneath his poorly cared for nails, and his t-shirt, vest, shorts, and crocs combo all sport earthly colors. He's of average height for his age, but will likely end up on the shorter end, though not disproportionately so. Cal sports a backpack that seems quite large compared to his own height, and has a pin on his vest that resembles an Oran Berry. [/indent][/color] [b]Background:[/b] [color=bc8dbf][indent]Cal lands dead center in the role of awkward nerd. He's a timid kid growing up in Fuchsia City, whose eyes light up whenever you give him an opportunity to ramble about one of the many things he's interested in. He does well in school, though it's clear to his teachers that he'd be a much better student if he focused more, and while not especially popular, he has a few friends he hangs around. After school, Cal usually finds himself helping his parents in their garden, enjoying the process of working in the dirt and helping grow things. Cal's always had an interest in Pokemon, every new fact he learns about a Pokemon feels like a prize to him, especially the weird ones. On one occasion he burst into tears when he found out that Gloom was considered an unpopular Pokemon because of its aroma, an event that ended up convincing his parents that despite his shared love for gardening, he'd probably be happier as a trainer. The promise of learning from a Pokemon Professor was what lead to Cal applying for the Pallet Town Scholarship. [/indent][/color] [b]First choice:[/b] [color=39b54a][b]Bulbasaur![/b][/color] [b]Key Item:[/b] [color=bc8dbf]Berry Pots[/color] "Portable containers that allow you to easily cultivate Berries anywhere and anytime." [b]Wishlist:[/b] I'm down with whatever Cal happens to stumble across, favoring the stranger looking and more 'unloved' Pokemon. But I'd love to get a [b]Shuckle.[/b] [/hider]