[h1][center][color=mediumaquamarine]Sara 'Rabbit' Lin[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [color=mediumaquamarine]"That AI voice is eerie as hell."[/color] Sara grumbled idly over the open comm as they were briefed on their respective tasks. It was a bit jarring to have such a upbeat voice deliver information they needed to deal death, but Sara just chocked it up to the designers having particular tastes. It was Bifrost after all, everything on the planet revolved around fighting these days. Training to fight, scrapping old war machines to prepare slightly less older ones to fight, talking about fighting, encouraging people to fight. Of course there was the actual fighting as well, what with pirates, overly aggressive scrappers, corporations and the occasional advance team of UEC or LTS forces, it was a rare day not to fire a weapon at least once. Sara herself found herself fighting more and more as well, especially as her work with EINHERJAR expanded. Fighting alongside her fellows became more and more rare as she found herself working with more and more mercs. Some she'd recognize, most she'd never see again. The 'regulars' as Sara had dubbed them she knew more by voice than face. Her father would be rolling in his grave if he could see her now, but mercenary work was the only way for Sara to really take the fight to the enemies of Bifrost, rather than playing firefighter, so at least for the time being, a merc she'd be. She listened idly to the chatter as the assorted team of AUG pilots sorted themselves into ad hoc teams- fairly normal these days. Most of the voices speaking up expressed their intention to take out Ultima Universal's communication systems. With only a few so far chiming in to actually take the fight to the Corp. [color=mediumaquamarine]"We're supposed to fuck up [i]their[/i] comms, not our own."[/color] Sara teased the apparent rookie, as they seemingly fumbled around with their comms. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Property damage sounds right up my alley."[/color] Sara giggled, her voice light and soft despite it's supposed sentiment. [color=mediumaquamarine]"I'll provide close air support for our little bunker busters."[/color] Within the cockpit of her AUG, Sara quickly flicked a few switches, designating herself R-18 and Redknight- and whoever else wanted to smash some steel into one squad. [color=mediumaquamarine]"All green, all green,"[/color] Sara called, noting her AUG's readiness. Her voice still light, but clear and crisp, without having to strain an ear to hear her. [color=mediumaquamarine]Chevalier is good to go, Rabbit standing by."[/color]