Nu listened to the speech her two roommates on either side of her visibly nervous as were many of the others. [i]"This is your moment to prove yourselves. To showcase everything you've learned, and to show that the newest generation of explorers, scientists, and defenders of the Federation are ready to take to the stars. I'm confident in each and every one of you to achieve this, and I know you won't let us down. Dismissed."[/i] Like so many others before her class Nu's class filed past the officers an instructors to receive confirmation of her assigned post which she'd known for a week now much like everyone else though a few were surprised to find there's had changed since then an the reason for said ritual. Nu then stepped outside where as some said the celebration an crying began an was grabbed by her best friend a beautiful Orion girl named Bella, a Doctor [i][color=LimeGreen]"Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, I am so going to miss having you"[/color][/i] Bella Chanted as she crushed Nu to her an flooded her with so many delightful emotions. [color=7B68EE]"I'll miss you too Bella but who knows the fleet may be large but we will meet again even if it is on Risa"[/color] Nu said to the clinging friend with a giggle because that's how the woman always affected her [color=7B68EE]"Remember in 3 years all the probabilities willing we can meet an compare or careers so keep in touch so we can schedule it I know I will"[/color] Sometime later..... Nu stepped onto the Shuttle Duke the interior filled with a few others just like herself. Her body so charged she almost bounced her seat a smile so large on her face she shocked future cremates who saw her assuming she was like all Koli (Planet born Vulcans) and shouldn't smile, laugh, or cry.