[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zhp2XL5.png[/img][/center] [hr] As Evil Eye fell, so too did Nonsuch, but not very far and in open defiance of the fundamental laws of physics. The two girls, having sent their respective messages, parted ways. Despite neither being convinced of the other's Truth, they were united in just one feeling: they both hoped that Nonsuch wouldn't regret this decision, to let Evil Eye go. However, Evil Eye would depart with the distinct feeling that she had lost. Instead of leaving Nonsuch with lingering questions to ponder, the blast furnace in magical girl form had left the interrogating eye of the Detention Club with her own. What [i]was[/i] the utility of lifting up fallen magical girls? To prove that the dark magical girl was a lesser being, and not a final evolution? Was what Nonsuch sought even possible? Could the process even happen in reverse? What did she mean by "these pages?" Were they the pages of history? The girl's biography? What story did she intend to tell, and how might it change if a magical girl like Evil Eye returned to the light? [color=#990000]"Heehee~! How interesting! She's just [i][b]so[/b] interesting!"[/i][/color] She squealed with glee as she swerved to avoid the pavement below, swiftly flying back into the tunnel that may have been her grave if not for the intervention of her self-sworn adversary. Her eyes scanning the ground and occasionally checking behind her to ensure she was not followed, she quickly found what she was looking for: the broken body of her partner, Shatterscape, which was still unconscious, left to bleed in its invisible state, barely hanging on only by the grace of being a magical girl. Swooping behind a concrete barricade, she lifted her invisibility, then lifted Shatterscape's body to carry it to nearby paramedics. [color=#990000]"Please! Please help my friend!"[/color] she cried, hobbling along in a false display of weakness as she carried her. As soon as they looked in her direction, their faces fell. The girl's friend wasn't going to make it, and they knew it—or so they thought, ignorant as they were. "I'm sorry. We can't do anything for your friend," one woman said with a frown. Kiyo's face became hideous with rage. [color=red]"Treat her. [b]Now,[/b]"[/color] she demanded as she locked eyes with them—and from that moment forward, they did her bidding. For the crew of a single ambulance, triage became an afterthought as they took Shatterscape inside and treated her alone, sedating two other patients. A quick visit to the driver convinced him to drive the magical girls to an unusual place, and with the matter of their destination settled, the two dark magical girls escaped unnoticed from the mountain, hidden amongst the emergency crew. Kiyo watched as the helpless medical staff worked on the body that shouldn't have been possible to save, acting as though seeing it heal before their very eyes even as they set about cleaning and bandaging it were the most mundane thing in the world. Perhaps there was a glimmer of shock visible in the back of their hollowed eyes, or upon their pale faces, but Evil Eye had the power to ensure that they had no consciously retrievable memory of this night. Kiyo smiled, taking Shatterscape's hand and holding it. [color=#990000]"It truly [i]was[/i] a beautiful night, Sister. Though we'll be taking the train home, it seems. ...At least it'll be warm."[/color]