Not quite finished but I thought the world might want to meet her ♡ ♡ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴀʟʟ ʏᴇʟʟᴏᴡ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴠɪꜱᴜᴀʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴢɪᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ♡ [hider=Crimson Angel] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][url=]⋆˙⟡♡[/url][/center] [center][url=]𝄞♫♪[/url][/center] [center][color=#ab1021]"I'll make my own legacy!"[/color][/center][hr] [color=#ab1021]Real Name:[/color] Mazie Natchios Murdock [color=#ab1021]Age:[/color] 18, born on January 7th, 2024 [color=#ab1021]Gender:[/color] Cisgender Female [color=#ab1021]Alias/Nicknames:[/color] She goes by Crimson Angel in many circles as this is her hero alias, many do decide to call her Angel in articles or when shouting her name in battle but it was truly her father who first called his precious daughter Angel and now the name stuck around. [color=#ab1021]Color Choice:[/color] Angel will be using the color [color=#ab1021]Crimson[/color] (#ab1021) as her dialog color. [color=#ab1021]Appearance:[/color] Mazie is striking, literally. Many first notice her eyes, the blue of them the color of the hottest fire, locking onto her opponents gaze before the impact of hers fist against their body. Her skin is pale with a warm olive undertone, harkening back to her Greek heritage, although it may be too pale to remind anyone of warm Mediterranean days, mostly because her skin is always covered by tight red and black leather. Her hair is the color of a starless night sky during a new moon, pitch black, and constantly tousled from being dragged behind her at high speeds while she sails on her motorcycle. She has a petite and pert nose that is always rosy and red along with her round cheeks that denote how wind whipped they are, either from a brisk New York winter or riding recklessly without her helmet on. Her mouth, lush and red, is either going to be found pouting or wrapped around a burger for Angel has a voracious appetite. Her eating habits surprise many but seldom know just how many calories she has to consume to keep her figure. Standing at 5 feet and 9 inches, she’s taller than most human females and her tight outfits allude to her well honed skills as a mixed martial artist. While she could argue that she has picked her wardrobe based on how easily she’s able to move in it, it would be a lie. She mainly dresses in the colors black and red, the first to match her midnight black hair and the other out of sheer respect and love for her Murdock heritage. At her mother’s encouragement though, her tight leather outfits always seem to have either the center chest area missing or a convenient lack of cloth where her thighs are. Angel would like to pretend that she is mixing the best of both worlds, though she does find satisfaction at the amount of attention her outfits get on [url=]Instagram[/url]. If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting her in person you may notice that she smells like a mixture of cedarwood, worn leather, and peppermint, a combination of spending too much time around her father’s offices and the oils she uses to soothe her aching muscles after training. [color=#ab1021]Personality:[/color] Angel tries to be compassionate, agreeable, and generous in all of her interactions. Yes, she is the superhero that helps a little old lady cross the street. Yes, she does volunteer with the homeless. Yes, she does bake cookies in her free time and gives them to her friends. Yes, this is all genuine and heartfelt, there is nothing she loves more than making others happy and doing work for the health and well being of those in need. Of course this comes at a cost, because it is… exhausting. Underneath that fair facade she keeps up as the perfect Superhero daughter she's funny, quick witted, charming, and sometimes bumbling. Of course, very few know her enough to have gotten to that part of her personality and even fewer know of the self-doubt, the angst, and the insurmountable pressure she feels under all of those smiles. [color=#ab1021]History:[/color] When Mazie Murdock was born to Elektra Natchios and Matthew Murdock, they could have sworn that time stood still. Matt held Mazie in his arms and whispered to his daughter, “the Murdock boys may have devils inside them, but you are an angel sent to earth, my sweet girl.” And an angel she was, inheriting both her mother and father’s agility along with her fathers heightened senses, she always used them to help others. A bully on the playground? Swiftly dealt with. An distressed owner looking for their dog at the park? Reunited within minutes. Mazie always lent a hand to those in need before it was even asked. She was praised constantly for her deeds by her father and her mother beamed proudly at just how much her “mini me” had gotten her father’s personality. Being the daughter of a reformed assassin and a previous vigilante, Mazie grew up knowing of her parents' double lives. She knew that she wanted to follow closely in their footsteps, knowing that both of them had hurt, anger, and grief in their hearts, but ultimately and always choosing good in the end. So Mazie knew that even though she had to fight these same feelings off, she could do it, and always choose good as well. Knowing this, she came to her parents at 14 and asked for their [url=]training[/url] in her abilities. She trained daily in-between her private tutoring lessons to finish highschool, working on honing her heightened senses as well as training extensively in many martial arts. The combination of her parents' training made her strong, wise, and deft. She was quiet in her movements, making her a perfect candidate for her mothers previous career path but she was also brave and nearly fearless like her father, stopping at nothing until her mission was done. She was proud to call them both her parents. She would follow in their footsteps for only a short time, for she would make a new name for herself as the Crimson Angel. A legacy that she would continue, but a legend she would write herself. [color=#ab1021]Powerset:[/color] [list] [*]Heightened Senses: Angel can hear, see, smell, taste, and feel more than the average human, this has only continued to be honed over the years as this was an innate trait she was born with. This gives her an advantage in many different situations, from interpersonal relationships to battle. When she enters this meditative state of mind, reaction time slows down for her and she is able to focus on her senses so she may make a split second decision. [*]Durable: It seems as though Angel is able to take a few more hits than her average human, it still hurts like hell but Murdocks always get back up. [*]Martial Arts Master: Angel is well versed in multiple forms of martial arts and other various fighting styles, with teachers such as her parents and Iron Fist himself, it’s no wonder she prefers hand to hand combat. She uses a mixture of Judo, Aikido, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mainly, because she prefers to disable opponents rather than harm them, but she has been known to accidentally let her demons out while fighting… [*]Chi Manipulation: Angel is able to find pressure points and disable her foes with quick taps to key points on their body to stop the flow of their energy. [/list] [color=#ab1021]Equipment/Paraphernalia:[/color] [list] [*]Ducati Panigale V4S [url=](Angel's Wings)[/url]: Affectionately called “her wings” Angel rides a supersport motorcycle around New York city. Capable of speeds near 185 MPH, the Crimson Angel herself leaves a red flash wherever she goes. She feels the most freedom while riding and it is her preferred mode of transportation. [*]Snacks: It’s no secret that Angel is a foodie, it’s all over her [url=]Instagram[/url] page, but somehow she always has snacks hidden on her tight leather bodysuits, no one really knows where she hides them and many don’t want to ask. [/list] [color=#ab1021]Weaknesses:[/color] [list] [*]Being a plain ass human: when the world around you has superheros, mutants, and even Gods themselves, being a plain ol’ human can feel daunting. [*]Constraints: if her body is constrained in anyway, her only weapon is taken from her [*]Her family and friends: she would do [i]anything[/i] to keep those she loves protected [*]The devil inside her: Angel always does her best to be just that, but sometimes the rage and hurt in her heart leaves room for her demons to come and play [hr] [/list] [color=#ab1021]Issue #0/Testing Post:[/color] [center][img][/img] [url=]𝄞♫♪[/url][/center] [center][url=]⋆˙⟡♡[/url][/center] Sunlight reflected heavily upon the lake's surface, shining back up onto Mazie’s face and warming her cheeks. She laid lazily on the bank of the freshwater and watched as her best friends swung from ropes tied to tall trees and splashed onto the aquamarine water. Danielle liked to show off and fly a bit higher than the rope swung her to do more aerial tricks, while Ian always made the biggest cannonballs. She smiled at her friends and basked in both the warmth of the sun and their laughter. As the final days of summer slipped away, a sense of both excitement and nostalgia filled Mazie's heart. She had spent countless summers here at the Rogers’ farm, but this one was different. She could feel her childhood slipping away from her as the sunset upon the day. This was the last summer she would spend before going to the academy, before being a hero. Anticipation swirled heavily in her stomach. Ian walked up to the bank where Mazie was sitting, “I know that look, what’s wrong?” Mazie blushed heavily and brushed her wet hair behind her ear, [color=#ab1021]“aren’t you, I don’t know, at least a little nervous for the academy tomorrow?”[/color] Mazie watched as Ian sat next to her in the shallow water, she glanced with both admiration and expectation, waiting for his thoughts. He smiled at her, the one he always saved for her when she was nervous, the one that crinkled his eyes, “of course I am,” he shoved his shoulder against her in a playful nature, “but the excitement for this new chapter in my life wins out.” She watches him as he gazes past what’s in front of them, as if he could see New York city right now, as if he could see the Academy itself. Mazie looks down at her hands as they rest in her lap, languorous little water droplets slid from her thigh and back into the water, as if they remembered where they were meant to be. On the whisper of the breeze Mazie admitted, [color=#ab1021]“ I am afraid of losing myself,”[/color] I’m also afraid of losing the two of you… the rest of her sentence lost to the late summer wind. “This is where you’ll find yourself Mazie, this is where you’ll become who you were always meant to be.” Ian grabbed her bowed head, forcing her to look into his sapphire eyes. “You’re already kind, funny, and generous. Imagine how much more you’ll grow.” The blush on her cheeks deepened as he complimented her. [color=#ab1021]“Could you just promise me one little thing?”[/color] she asked as she held her hand up to show just how tiny this ask would be. He smiled, “anything for you, Angel” She giggled at the use of her childhood nickname but soon sobered as the reality hit that many more will be calling her that as her hero alias. Some in desperation, some in triumph, some as their dying breath… She shook her head to lose the thought. Mazie took his hands in her, it was almost laughable how much of a size difference there was, and stared deeply and longingly into his eyes once again, [color=#ab1021]“stay safe, please. Do everything in your power to keep yourself safe…”[/color] He switched places of their hands, grasping hers much more firmly in his, “always, Angel, always…” They sat there, hand in hand, and watched as the sun set upon the last day of summer, lingering on the promise kept between them. [/hider] [hider= Mazie Murdock's Relationships] [center] Relationships ⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ✨Roommate ⟢ 💘Crush⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣ [hr] 💞Matt (Daredevil) Murdock and Elektra Natchios💞 Mazie’s parents were nothing but wonderful to their daughter growing up, she is close to both of her parents even if they had opposing views on raising her. Some (most) would call Mazie a “daddy’s girl” but she respectfully tells everyone that both of her parents are her favorite, “it would be like asking someone to choose between Italian food and American food, they’re both different and lovely at the same time, completely incomparable” [hr] 💕💜 [url=]Danielle (Power Girl) Cage[/url] 💜💕 Danielle is basically Mazie’s older sister, having grown up together because of their parents close connection, the girls naturally became best friends. They tell each other everything, spend every second they have free together, and are always scouring the streets for the best places for Instagram photos. Danielle is the realist to Mazie’s blind optimism, she is the one that keeps Angel from floating back to heaven on her wings. Mazie doesn’t know what she would do without her. [hr] 💘💙[url=]Ian (Golden Son) Rogers-Carter[/url]💙💘 There isn’t anyone in this world Mazie would rather spend all day talking, laughing, and eating unlimited Korean Barbeque with than Ian. To be fair, they have been kicked out of most KBBQ places for their unlimited and voracious appetites. Ian is truly the ray of Sunshine in Mazie’s life. Ian, Danielle, and Mazie made an unstoppable trio growing up, spending their childhoods in a carefree but just as exuberant way. Many summers were spent playing on the Rogers’ Upstate New York farm. They were always found swimming in the ponds, chasing each other through the endless fields, and roasting many smores over an open fire. Friendship turned to infatuation for Mazie though as the summers flew from childhood to adolescence; when games of tag changed to games of Truth or Dare and holding hands was no longer for dragging each other to see the cool frog they found but to indicate hidden feelings. Mazie never acted upon or voiced her feelings for Ian though as the years went on because she always thought him out of her league. Plus who knew what would happen to her close knit group of friends if she finally admitted to how she felt. For now, they’ve moved their summers on the farm to the City proper, as they await their admittance to the academy, they spend most days hunting down boba tea spots. Although Mazie will never admit just how much she loves it when they share their Thai milk tea with light boba, no ice, and 75% sugar. [hr] ♨️👿 [url=]Lyudmila "Mila" Pavlichenko[/url] 👿♨️ Mila is Iron Fist’s former successor. Mazie and Mila spent most of their early teenage years studying under Iron Fist’s tutelage. Mazie because she showed uninhibited passion for her parent’s martial arts backgrounds. Mila because she showed unrelenting desire to be the best martial artist the world had ever seen. Mazie had a natural affliction for the agile nature of the moves. Mila studied and practiced hours after the dojo closed to perfect her form. Mazie preferred the styles that took down opponents and incapacitated them. Mila preferred the quick, violent, and efficient styles of Krav Maga and Muay Thai. Mila and Mazie studied their craft together and spared together constantly. They are closely matched in craft but opposed in morals. [hr] 🎆💕Danny (Iron Fist) Rand💕🎆 Iron Fist is Mazie’s Martial Arts mentor alongside her own parents, she has a mentor/student relationship with him in the Dojo and an uncle/niece relationship with him outside of it. She suspects there isn’t anything he wouldn't do for her, especially to keep her safe, that being said… he does keep her more in line than her parents when she’s being bratty [hr] 🎆💕Jessica (Jewel/Power Woman) Jones and Luke (Power Man) Cage💕🎆 Jessica Jones and Luke Cage treat Mazie like their second daughter. They are never surprised when they hear her shout “hey, I’m home!” alongside Danielle when coming home from school. The Murdocks and the Cages were close knit before the birth of their daughter but Mazie and Danielle’s friendship has brought them even further together. [hr] 💛Steve (Captain America) Rogers and Peggy Carter💛 Mazie spent most of her summers growing up on the Rogers’ farm. This has made her very well acquainted with Ian’s parents. She won’t admit that Cap still kinda intimidates her, but that Peggy’s homemade apple pie makes up for that. [/center] [/hider]