[color=9e0b0f][i][h1] [center]Londo Xad[/center][/h1][/i][/color] Londo finished with his saluting before placing his hands on his sides. He was satisfied with his introduction, assuming that his human superiors would be pleased by this. Looking around the room he noticed a few of the other crewmembers heading towards The Duke. He noticed a Pakled that was standing near the shuttle. He remembered one of his past hosts had met a Pakled a long time ago, although the encounter was not a very positive one. He turned towards the Pakled with a friendly smile. “[i][color=9e0b0f]Hello, my name is Londo I will be the head medical officer on the USS Tucker, what position were you assigned on the Tucker?[/color][/i]” He wondered if this Pakled had the mental capabilities to do even the simplest task. But disgraded this thought since he would have gone through and completed the necessary tests to acquire this position. “[i][color=9e0b0f]I am quite excited to be assigned to a Federation starship.[/color][/i]” Londo looked around in case anyone else had arrived at The Duke. He looked over and saw a Vulcan woman Smiling in her direction and doing a Vulcan salute, “[i][color=9e0b0f]Hello miss my name is Londo Xad I will be the chief medical officer on the USS Tucker. What position were you assigned on the Tucker?[/color][/i]” He asked in the native Vulcan language