[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 12/100[/color] Location: Suoh Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 13/100 [/color] [/center] Sakura took a deep breath, trying to focus on the battle ahead. Despite Peach being confirmed as safe, the pressure to save her was greater than ever before. There was no way she could let her down. It was good, at least, to be out of that hospital. But the moment of peace didn’t last long, not only was there an Other attack, but they were suddenly made public enemy number one. [color=f49ac2]”Oh, come on! We didn’t do anything wrong!”[/color] But Luka was right- people needed help from Others right now! There was more of them than Sakura had ever seen. Others that gave her trouble when she teamed up with Karin were now in great multitudes. Everyone had a part to play. Sakura wasn’t particularly confident in her ability to take on so many monsters, especially the Yawns. She decided to focus on protecting the bystanders. A woman was being attacked by a Rummy, and Sakura managed to get to this civilian first with a flying kick to send the monster away. She was on the ground. “M-my leg!” Sakura grabbed her shoulder and lifted her up, patting her on the back and performing Tag-Out. [color=f49ac2]”Go! I’ll cover you!”[/color] With a minor boost to her speed and vitality (which was actually quite a lot to her given her average person status) the woman fled from the battle and Sakura surged ahead, slamming into the Rummy and sending it flying into a nearby Bile Pool. The Rummy sprung forth, but Sakura was faster, crashing her fists into it and breaking its artificial wooden body to pieces. As for the Pool, she avoided its spit and punted it like a football to the next street over. [color=f49ac2]”Goal!”[/color] Sakura shouted with a smile. She couldn’t help but be impressed by herself sometimes. Sakura pushed up with the others, running and dodging and spin kicking her way through the chaos to push through. She ended up a short distance behind Roxas. His defiant statement earned a [color=f49ac2]”Yeah!”[/color] from Sakura and she followed up his charge with one of her own.