[center] [color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 42/60[/color] Location: Quarantine Valley Word Count: Points Gained: 1 +7 New EXP Balance--- [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 50/60 [/color][/indent] [/center] [hr] Karin was very pleased that the matter worked itself out. [color=fff200]”If only everything here made as much sense as the Hermits. Thank you very much for your help.”[/color] Karin said with a respectful bow. With that she joined the others in the streets. They split up to search for clues, and Karin heard some very interesting findings from the others. What she ended up doing was mostly hopping from rooftop to rooftop with her grappling hook. She encountered a few stray Others along the way. [color=fff200]”Ugly little pests. The only thing you’re good for is practice.”[/color] Karin said, as a Paw sized her up on a dark rooftop and then surged forward. A few Rummies nearby joined in. There was a scattering of metal pieces and woodchips, the slicing of clawed steel through empty air. [color=fff200]”...And stress relief, I suppose.”[/color]Karin said, examining her fingernails. Though she was annoyed. While, one could argue she had been useful by making sure these rooftop Others didn’t ambush her teammates, Karin wasn’t the type to be ‘production’ as it were. Still, even though she had eyes on the mysterious shelter, there wasn’t much she could do against ‘Red levels’. It was like entering a place with disease inside. While the Kanzuki family had many techniques against clearing toxins from the body, they weren’t exactly easily accessible on the field of battle or without certain ingredients. And doubtful they’d be helpful against whatever supernatural phenomenon lay inside that building. A shelter, Sandalphon called it. Instead she just scouted the shelter, circling around the outside using her hook. No windows. But she did find a particularly heavy door. Well. It wouldn’t hurt if she took a [i]little[/i] look, right? Karin opened the door- well, she tried too. Her hand didn’t even budge it. [color=fff200]”Challenge me, [i]door?[/i]”[/color] Karin asked, raising an eyebrow. Wiping her hands she braced herself, and focused. The door began to slide open. Karin stopped, smiled, and then peaked inside. [color=fff200]”Hello? Anyone home? I don’t mean to intrude…” [/color] She peaked her eye into the gap. It was…dark. Very dark. But something shifted in the shadows. An arrow flung and struck against the door, narrowly missing Karin’s eye, who backed up with a start. [color=fff200]”Oh, my.”[/color] Karin said. There was the sound of pounding feet, and something about it told her it was inhuman. From the narrow gap of moonlight she saw an inhuman face under a hood running at her. Karin frowned and really threw her back into it this time- she slammed the door shut and withdrew as several bodies tossed themselves at the door from the other side, resounding clangs against the metal. [color=fff200]”R-right. Unwelcome to visitors, then.”[/color] Karin said, retreating to another rooftop. It was a terrible plague, really. Karin pushed the haunting thoughts out of her mind, so that she could continue to be a productive member of the Seekers.