[h1][center][color=mediumaquamarine]Sara 'Rabbit' Lin[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Sara laughed softly as another offered to join them: one Mr. Snow. She was somewhat familiar with the man, they'd run a few missions together before, and he probably frequented one of the many bars in the area- not much else to do on Bifrost after all. She didn't know him very well, but first impressions had marked him as a bit of the sleazy type: not necessarily a womanizer, but not [i]not[/i] a womanizer. Sara made it a point never to involve herself with the merc type to much anyway, they were quick to disappear. Fleeting and fickle were the mercenary type, either following the money to greener pastures, or meeting an untimely grave- though here she was, now a merc herself, so what did that say about her? [color=mediumaquamarine]"Only if you promise to keep those SAM sites from taking a shot at lil' ole me."[/color] Sara replied to the man with a wink over the comms. The rest of the team, Sara didn't know much about. Redknight reminded her a bit of a younger sister- if said younger sister was extremely violent, and perhaps a bit unstable. All in all, better to have the her on their side rather than the other. Of course, there was always more than met the eye, so maybe Sara would be surprised. R-18 sounded like one of her folk- if at least by birth. The Bifrost accent was distinct and hard not to notice. It wasn't difficult to tell that R-18 was the type to say exactly what she thought, and didn't much give a fuck if you had a problem with that- which suited Sara just fine. Bifrostian bluntness was a signature trait of theirs after all. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Thanks Valk, [i]suuuper [/i]helpful!"[/color] Sara called out to their resident AI, her eye roll practically as audible as her voice dripping with sarcasm. Banter said and done, it was only a few moments later that they reached the drop zone, the Chevalier's engines spooling up as Sara watched the others launch. Sara settled into her seat as the catapult launched the Chevalier towards the surface, though rather than impacting the ground like the rest of her compatriots, her AUG's powerful engines burst to life well over the ground, touching down with a soft thud instead, or as soft as one could expect a massive war machine to land. Though, with how the aptly named 'HIGH IMPACT' landed, it didn't seem stealth was something they planned on maintaining. Hard to be stealthy with a near dozen AUGs anyhow. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Rabbit, on station. Lead the way."[/color] Sara called out in her best radio voice before addressing the other team, [color=mediumaquamarine]"Crashing a party is only fun if they can't call for help. Happy hunting."[/color]