[quote] I'm going to be honest, I'm not going to be super nitpicky as to exact mana costs for skills and abilities. Going to be very hands-off on people doing stuff under the assumption that I can trust that they're not pulling some insanity by dumping all of the everything out at once. To that end, costs don't really need to exist in this context (beyond any translation of mechanics like you suggested for the card system). That being said... [/quote] Yeah those numbers are more there for comparing to each other effort/power wise (Death Spiral is a big expenditure, projectile destruction explosion not so much) (and now that i write that I might have to get the rest of the actual names so i never have to write 'projectile destruction explosion' ever again), rather than for doing exact math which would be a pain in the butt [quote] Mana exists within the world as its own... Thing. Would that mana and the mana that the character uses fall under the same umbrella and, if so, what effects does that have in turn? [/quote] Hmmm, good question. Either we make it it's own thing that only she can see/interact with ooooor, and I think this could lead to some more fun situations, it is very much floating globs of mana that anyone, friend or foe, can absorb if they have the capacity for it. But only if they have spent mana somehow, to prevent non magical foes from just reabsorbing it. Naturally this means that she would be very bad at wizard duels, because if she hits them with her bullets they are going to be able to steal the mana it produces. If we do that then she can also gain mana from other sources, potions or what have you, but either does not gain passive mana, or does so very slowly compared to the locals. [quote] Dashing as you have it is a very literal translation of game mechanics to prose, which I don't think would allow for anything like "abusable iframes" in this context. Could do well enough to remove it or rephrase it to be more of a general movement option.[/list] [/quote] To clarify, 'dash' is a short range blink teleport rather than an iframe filled combat roll or something of the sort (traversal wise it gets used to bypass barriers/walls for more context). If I where to rephrase it to something like: "[u]Blink Dash[/u]: Rayne can perform a straight line teleport, warping a fixed 3 meters in any direction in the blink of an eye, with the path she takes being outlined by a visible woosh of magic and a bright flash on arrival. There is only a short half second cooldown between dashes, making it quite useful for mobility as well as dodging" would that work? [url=https://i.imgur.com/xrCRqZm.mp4]this is what it looks like in game if that helps[/url] if that is too much we can nerf it into a dash rather than a teleport tho, which will lead to either a panicked moment where she gets hit whens he thought she wouldn't, or a funny one where she rams face first into a wall ... ok i'm honestly kinda sold on that now lol