[quote=@Meta] *Stares wide-eyed* I—I didn't— [/quote] You made your choice. Live with it- [quote=@Source] *Catches you by the back mid-flight and jets forward, bursting out of the building and dragging your face along the concrete through the city* [/quote] *phases through the ground via becoming static amaranthine, pushing back into the dimension moments later behind you, jeting up into the air and slightly back, firing several orbs of explosive amaranthine, while part of me splits off into its own full me,cdarting into the hospital* [quote=@GalaxyRaider] *A cylindrical device a mere few feet long drills suddenly through the roof of the hospital and anchors itself into the floor between you, encased in a wavy purple aura* [/quote] *the me that darted into the hospital smack into the side of the drill with a 3 ton hammer formed from amaranthine*