The small engine whirred, the loud pipe called as both shattered any silence with their parabolic approach. The tires kicking gravel on the last common road as he approached the turn for the parking lot. Turning onto a rocky muddy trail which had evidence that vehicles occasionally used. The tires now splashing and drifting through mud puddles as the engine's sound pogo-ed with the travel through the holes. The sound shift of his travel being cut short when bouncing off a passing tree. The acoustics of the moss, the damp bark, stones and logs allowed for the off road motorcycle to howl loud and far. He knew exactly where he was going. He knew these woods very well already in his duration while each day his knowledge of the area grew. Ethan felt far more comfortable as every hour passed. Avoiding complacency, he maintained the confidence in his knowledge. That was necessary for survival. His pack bounced on his back with each puddle while he stood on the bike like a mount through the mud and mist. As he approached the secluded parking lot his eyes focused when he noticed a vehicle. He slowed the bike down the slightest as he looked around the area. Now seeing one vehicle, how many people were around? Were more expected? All the questions to consider and keep in mind when living in the woods as he was. He continued his approach the same regardless as to not seem too suspicious. He'll see how it looks. Size people up, before deciding how to handle the situation. As he pulled up he seen a woman standing alone, bundled up in her coat and layers. He slowed as he approached, lifting a hand in the gesture of a greeting. His attention keeping on every where else while his focus remained on her. His bike lulled to a idle as he turned the bike off. He kicked the stand out and parked the bike. Trying not to give too much attention to her yet. She seemed expecting of something, seemed annoyed and now concerned. He stood and removed his helmet which allowed steam to escape from the heat of his travel against the cold air of the land. He ran his hair back then secured his helmet to the motorcycle. He turned toward the woman with a charming smile as he swung his pack from his shoulder, setting on the ground to adjust for his next travel. [color=darkorange]"There is a lot more to this park than this lot, you know."[/color] He opened with a charming tease to his words. The ice breaker was was always so important. It wouldn't always be necessary but assisted greatly. His view returned to his pack on the ground, open and organizing through it to tidy up quickly.