[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uErtVtX.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xu7nPzs.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Rune_Alchemist][@Click This][/sub] [hr][i]Havershel Estate[/i][hr] [center]Battle Theme:[url=https://youtu.be/-51_oLom9xE?si=WQ3mUsIdlD4k-jNd]⚔️[/url][/center] [color=9e0039]"Tch!"[/color] Lucrecia clicked her tongue; Nothing the accented maid did had barely scratched Silxtratch, her tactics only serving to further anger the demon Lord. As his ire grew, with it came more drastic changes to his physiology. At this point, he really did look the part, gone his handsome and sharp features on display during the ball. She had barely dodged the lord's slash, a bit of blood had dripped from the small cut on her neck. Unfortunately, her gambit didn't work either, as with a larger and more developed claw he powered straight through Lucrecia's fire burst. The bed was now split cleanly in half, laying on opposite sides of the floor. Lucrecia's vision was blocked out by the menacing appendage speeding toward her. She didn't have time to think, only act. She didn't even pay any attention to Polina who was observing from the sidelines. In an attempt to gain some distance between them. Lucrecia charge a large chunk of blaze in her dual pistols, and aimed them at the ground below them. She hoped that the blast generated would at least be enough to knocked them away from each other. She may be a bit cinged from the blast, but it likely wouldn't be worse than the alternative.