[center] [color=#66CDAA][b][h1]Kayliss Lambert[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Kayliss didn't know what she had been expecting, really. From her read on Lady Velvetica, doing something like ordering Sir Istvan's [i]permanent[/i] silencing would have been wildly out of character. That didn't mean she wasn't at least a little disappointed that the lady wasn't offering any real solutions for the moment, but it was only to be expected. [color=#66CDAA][b]"I understand."[/b][/color] She bowed her head for a moment before looking back up at her employer. [color=#66CDAA][b]"I left the matter open-ended with Sir Istvan, but I directed the conversation in a direction that more or less implied the same as what you currently say."[/b][/color] Kayliss's stare was blank as usual. [color=#66CDAA][b]"Will there be anything else, my lady? Forgive my saying, but you've not exactly been making much use of me outside of the battlefield. So long as you work in service of the Crown, you continue to retain access to a resource that many nobles would literally kill to possess."[/b][/color] She betrayed no hesitation in referring to herself as a mere tool. Evidently, Crownsblade indoctrination was extensive. [color=#66CDAA][b]"I remain at your disposal rather than at the king's direct command for a reason."[/b][/color] [@VitaVitaAR]