[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231004/7ceeb4c29c8cb5b27207f0d17640fc32.png[/img][/center] [h1][b][center]And[/center][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231004/84402083afcab35cdfc38e83486a676f.png[/img][/center] The world of Vecta, there raged a battle between the Light and the Dark. Two gods - Morganna and Drasil - had birthed this world from nothing. Conquering over the light and the dark, the brother and sister unleashed their might to bring life to a barren world. The first beings, the Primals, sprang forth from the Earth. Then, the dragons established their dominance before the twin gods birthed their ultimate creation: The Morai. A race that could grow and develop as they chose. A seed from which all other life could spring forth. However, it was the creation of this race that drove a wedge between the gods. Morganna, goddess of Light, believed it was their duty as gods to attend to the needs of their creations and usher them along. Her brother Drasil, god of Darkness, decided they must experience hardship and grow stronger through trial by fire. This war of ideals tore the siblings apart and split Vecta in twain. A Divine Accord was forged shortly thereafter. Neither god would be permitted to set foot in the other's domain. Taking the North, Morganna ruled with peace and the study of magic while Drasil ruled the Southern lands and forced his subjects to grow strong. New races appeared over the centuries, but they were incomplete. Nothing could match the creations the siblings made when they were together. In their race to build the ideal world, the two gods had plateaued in their ability to create. That all changed with the discovery of the Otherworld. It was Morganna who found it first. A world parallel to hers; ruled by science in place of magic. Filled with creatures who resembled the Morai, but imbued with a spirit that burned brighter than any in Vecta. It was during this time she noticed the souls that passed in the Otherworld often still possessed life within them. Almost as if they were dying before their appropriate time. Filled with pity for these souls, Morganna began to select the ones she deemed 'worthy' and brought them to Vecta in new bodies to complete their lives. It didn't take long before these "Children of the Otherworld" were noticed by Drasil. Even placed into new bodies, he could sense this new spirit that blazed with might. Taking a note from his sister, Drasil began watching the Otherworld to find souls worthy of his time. Thus, Morganna and Drasil's battle began anew. A race to find the best and brightest of the Otherworld and bring them to Vecta. It came to be understood that a soul brought from the Otherworld was destined to achieve great things in Vecta. Thus, the arrival of an Otherworlder always caused quite the stir among particular circles. The Children of the Otherworld became highly sought after. Some wanted their protection, others wished to utilize their abilities for themselves. One such day in Vecta, Drasil was in his temple in Sombros, the capital of Southern Vecta. A tear in reality - carved by his sword Oro - stood before him. Through this tear, he watched scenes from the Otherworld with an intense glare. There were a lot of deaths happening in the Otherworld. Knowing his fool of a sister would be watching as well, he needed to find souls before she took all the best. His thoughts were confirmed by a sickeningly sweet voice in his head. [color=silver][i]"Watching the Otherworld too, dear brother? If you even think about putting another soul in those ugly things you call your subjects, I'll send another maelstrom to your ports."[/i][/color] [color=gold][i]"Truly you are the benevolent goddess of light,"[/i][/color] muttered Drasil as he rubbed his temple. [color=gold][i]"Even so, if you throw a storm at me, my people are stronger than those weaklings of yours. A light rain could destroy them."[/i][/color] All Drasil heard was his sister's scoff before she cut off their connection. With a sigh of relief, Drasil returned his attention to the window. No matter what happened, this new crop of Otherworlders may shift the balance. Once all his targets were chosen, the dark god unfurled his wings and stepped through the portal. It was time to give these creatures the chance at a new life.