[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 14/100[/color] Location: Suoh Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 15/100 [/color] [/center] Sakura grimaced and gagged, pulling her fist from the disgusting growth on the back of a Bile Pool. Relief and salvation as it mercifully turned to dust, including the goo between her fingers. [color=f49ac2]”Thank goodness for that. Imagine how much money this city saves on clean-up. Not to mention my sanity.”[/color] Sakura said, shaking her wrist to get the dust off her. It was a fierce bout, but a Seeker could really get into the rhythm of monster slaying. Soon they were chewing through them all like delicious potato chips. One after the other after the other. Sakura didn’t make it through entirely unscathed. A few stray hits ruined her streak every now and again. But a constant low level of aching was something she was accustomed too, even welcomed, and it wouldn’t reduce her performance. Not yet. It always took a little more than that to draw her blood. While she was riding high on saving people and working with her friends, it was time for a humbling crash down to reality. Heart-rate and breathing elevated, she came to a stop as she and a group of the Seekers were face-to-face with another squad. And much to Sakura’s frustration, they were very keen on a fight. [color=f49ac2]”You’re not even going to let her talk?!” [/color] She exclaimed, offended on Hanabi’s behalf. The other squad had just defeated a Major Other- in a way they had just worked together on the same team to defend the city. And now they turned on them just like that? Without even giving them a chance to speak? Did they really have so little trust in their own squadmate? They only did what they were told without a second thought. Then Sakura guessed her fists would have to do the talking. Sakura snapped into her fighting position, bouncing on her feet, glaring at the opposition. It seemed like Gisu and Morris were looking to take on their old teammate. Sakura didn’t want Hanabi to be put in that position. Not just for her sake, but for the sake of the greater battle. They were already slightly outnumbered, if Hanabi struggled to fight her teammates the entire skirmish could fall apart. Sakura would make herself known, then, to Gisu and Morris, bold and brash and ready to brawl. With a leap she interposed herself between Gisu and Hanabi. [color=f49ac2]”You blockheads wouldn’t know a traitor if you saw one every time you looked in a mirror! You don’t wanna talk it out? Fine! But you’ll find I’m much more fluent in ass-kicking than I am in English!”[/color] She punched her palm and slapped the sides of her head, peppy, snappy motions. She glanced over her shoulder at Hanabi for a brief second, making eye contact, silently asking for permission to fight in her place. With that settled, she took flight, getting right into the action in her usual aggressive style. [color=f49ac2]”Let’s do it!”[/color] She gunned for the closer of the two, Gisu, first. She leapt forward and landed short, kicking out at Gisu’s knees and converting into a quick [color=f49ac2]”Hadoken!”[/color] to blast her off balance. Then she would attempt to jump clean over Gisu’s head and performing a flying Sakura Drop to close the distance against Morris and slam him out of his floating state and onto the ground. Regardless of outcome, Sakura would lose a bit of her gumption on closer inspection. [color=f49ac2]”H-how old are you two, anyway?”[/color] She asked, a bead of sweat going down the side of her face.