[center]One of those many ships entering Lunaris had come from a far away world known as Ithelia. While Heartless didn't plague this distant world there were many more monsters in the universe than just the Heartless, humans being capable of being the greatest monsters of them all. Elim found this out the hard way and was on a mission. She had managed to have been lucky when a man researching the more distant worlds happened to come to Ithelia. Some of the people of that world knew of other worlds while others thought it was a myth. Well Elim knew it wasn't as those she was after escaped to one of those different worlds. "Thank you so much sir". A boy, or at least that's how most would perceive her from her appearance, stepped off the Gummi Ship. Never in her life she had seen anything like it, so it was quite awe inspiring to think such incredible magic existed. The place she landed in seemed strange. No city made of metal and wood like this existed in Ithelia. They were all either constructed from just wood, stone, or a combination of both. This definitely made her feel out of place, especially with how many other Gummi Ships were arriving into port and leaving. There was more than one of those things? Incredible. Elim wasn't hear to sight see though. Revenge. That was what she was here for. Once she had it she would return to her world. She had no desire to be here in this strange, foreign place for much longer. So with that she set out from the port after getting a few directions from the man who brought her here about where various things were. The market seemed like a good place to start searching for information on the Crimson Skull Bandits. After all, what better place to search for them then where money and goods were gathered. As the young boy made her way to the market though something in a back alleyway caught her eye. Perhaps it was just the light of the sunrise hitting her eye at the right moment and making her see things, or it could have been a member of the group she was looking for. In an instant she had drew her sword and charged right into that small back alleyway that was cluttered with garbage, slashing at something. Her blade did indeed get something, just a bag of garbage someone thoughtlessly threw away into this alleyway that missed the trash can it was meant for. Cans made out of metal and trash kept in sacks made of strange fabric? This world really was strange indeed. Perhaps instead of just heading back to Ithelia after she killed those bandits she would first bring back some of the wonders she saw here with her. Who knows what other interesting things she would find here. With a sigh escaping from his lips though after what he thought was a foe was vanquished Elim sheathed her sword and continued walking towards the market, hoping that her information gathering would go better than that "fight" did. [/center]